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Spring break flew by and the first day back at school was upon them. Ashley had returned home, and gone on and on about her week with Chase. They had ultimately decided to start dating soon after Texas.

It was extremely hard for Claire to get up on Monday morning. After a week of not having to do anything, along with traveling to Texas, she was still exhausted.

Ryan was also exhausted as Hayden had had a meltdown before bed and ended up sleeping with him. The girl never stayed in one spot. She was always moving around and constantly kicking him.

With that being his night, he stopped at Dunkin to get the little girl some breakfast as well as him and Claire some coffee before driving to the school.

Claire was outside her room, welcoming students as they came into the room when Ryan and Hayden walked in.

"Morning kiddo," she smiled, hugging her before Ryan handed her the steaming cup of coffee. "Thank you so much, you have no clue how much I needed this,"

"If you only knew the night I had with her," he sighed, "She had a meltdown before bed because her Frozen pajamas were in the laundry and it was just downhill from there,"

She nodded, "Seems like it was a night,"

"She ended up sleeping with me, and she's not a still sleeper so I was getting kicked all night long," he explained, setting Hayden on the ground.

"Well, hopefully, she can perk up a little bit here and have a better night tonight,"

"I hope so," he nodded, "Have a good day you 2,"

"You too," Claire nodded, accepting his quick kiss before he left.

"Alright Hayden, go sit in your seat honey," she said before shutting the door and starting the lesson with the kids.

After a little time in the classroom, the kids were ready to go to recess and lunch and the teachers were able to go to the lounge for a little bit. Ashley sent her kids off too before heating up her lunch and sitting at the table with Claire.

"My class is on some sugar high today," Ashley sighed as she started eating.

"Mine too. Except for Hayden. Ryan said she had a rough night," Claire said, checking her texts before she set her phone on the table.

"She's had a few lately," Ashley nodded, knowing from what Claire had told her.

"Yeah. I don't know what's going on with her. Ryan said her Frozen pajamas were in the laundry and she lost it,"

"And she's been off all day?"

"Yeah. Just not herself. I wonder if somethings going on," Claire said as she checked her phone again.

"Like something Ryan's not telling you?" Ashley asked, looking at her best friend.

"No. Just she seems off," she shook her head, looking over as one of the recess monitors stuck her head in.


"Yeah?" She asked, getting out of her chair and walking over.

"Hayden fell and she wants you," Kim said as Claire came over.

"Alright. I'll be right out," she nodded, grabbing her phone and walking out to the playground.

"I want my daddy!" Hayden cried as soon as she saw Claire. She'd fallen on the sidewalk and scraped her nose, which was now bleeding, and scraped her knees.

"I know honey. I'll call Daddy. Let's go get you cleaned up okay?" She said, helping Hayden up before walking her to the office.

"I want daddy" she sobbed, sitting in the chair while Claire got tissues to try and stop the bloody nose.

"I know baby. I'm gonna call Daddy," she promised, wiping her nose again. "Hold this right here okay?"

"Can you call daddy?" Hayden asked as she held the tissue where Claire had told her to.

"I'm going to right now," she nodded, pulling her phone out and calling Ryan.

"Hey," he answered, sounding like he was at home.

"Hey. Hayden took a pretty nasty spill outside. Bloody nose, scraped her knees and her nose, hands, the works,"

"She okay?"

"She wants to talk to you," Claire said as she put the phone on speaker, "it's Daddy, honey,"

"Hayden, what happened honey?" Ryan asked her as Claire started cleaning up her knees.

"I fell," she sniffled, "I wanna go home daddy,"

"What do you think Claire?" Ryan asked.

"I think she probably could. I didn't see it happen but she's really upset,"

"Alright. I'll come down there. How long can you stay with her?"

"I got another 20 minutes or so,"

"Alright. I'll be there in a few," Ryan said as he grabbed his keys and said his goodbyes.

"Alright, honey. Daddy's gonna come get you okay?" Claire said as she turned her attention to Hayden.

"Okay," she nodded, "Is my nose still bleeding?"

"Not too bad. Keep the tissue on it," she nodded, giving her a clean tissue.

Ryan showed up a few minutes later, which made Hayden's tears start all over again.

"It's okay Hayden, you ready to go home?" He asked, kneeling in front of the little girl.

"I wanna go home," she nodded, wiping her eyes as Ryan lifted her out of the chair.

"We'll go home kiddo. Do you want some ice cream first?" He asked, feeling Hayden shake her head against his shoulder.

"Alright, honey. We'll go home," he nodded, signing her out in the office.

"I'll come check on her later,"

"We'll see you then," he nodded, kissing her cheek before they headed out of the office and Claire headed back to work.

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