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"Why is it so hot here?!" Ashley sighed as they got their suitcases off the carousel.

"I don't care how hot it is. I'm ready to surprise my man," she grinned, walking towards the doors where she knew Chase would be waiting. She'd worked the whole surprise out with him.

"Hey guys," Chase grinned, seeing both of them walking out of the airport.

"Hey Chase," Claire smiled, hugging him before he took both of their bags and put them in the trunk of the black Tahoe. "Ryan has no clue?"

"Nope. He thinks you're at home because you had meetings,"

"Perfect," she grinned, getting in the car.

Chase drove them to their hotel which was fairly close to the track, helping them get their things inside before handing over the hard cards they needed to get into any area.

"Thanks Chase. I really appreciate it,"

"Are you surprising him before or after the race?" He asked, sitting on one of the beds as Ashley started unpacking her stuff.

"Probably before," She shrugged, "Unless that would be too distracting. I don't know. What do you think?"

"If it were me, I'd want to know if my girl came to surprise me before I got in the car,"

She nodded and thanked Chase again, who soon left as Claire flopped onto the hotel bed.

"So how do you think you're gonna surprise him?" Ashley asked, opening her suitcase to get her outfit ready for the next day.

"I don't know. If I'm gonna do that, I want to be there for the pre-race stuff," she shrugged, turning on some replaying coverage of practice and qualifying.

"You guys seem to be getting pretty comfortable with each other," Ashley smirked, flopping onto her own bed.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't play dumb with me," she said as she shook her head.

"Yes, I'm getting comfortable with him. I mean, I've stayed at his house once or twice,"

"And had to sneak out before Hayden woke up?" She asked, filling in the blanks as Claire nodded.

"Precisely," Claire chuckled, "I don't want her to know yet and I definitely don't want her to think I'm mom,"

"I don't think she would. Honestly, I think she'd be more confused than anything," Ashley shrugged, also watching the qualifying coverage as group A went out for their group qualifying.

"Exactly why I'm trying to get out of there before she knows that I am there,"

"What are you gonna wear tomorrow?" She asked, slightly changing the subject.

"Probably just my shorts and that tan tank top, since it's so hot. I wasn't anticipating that in March," Claire nodded as she pulled the outfit out of her suitcase. "This one,"

"That's hot,"

"Everything to you is hot. You're the ultimate hype girl," she joked, hanging it all before she went to shower and nap after the flight.

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