I Am Jealous

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I am jealous of your bed,
Who gets to feel your warmth,
Every night.
Who gets to hold you,
Every night.

I am jealous of the sun,
Who gets to wake you up,
With warm kisses,
Every morning.
Who gets to wake you up,
With warm embraces,
Every morning.

I am jealous of your clothes,
Who gets to embrace every part of your body,
Every hour,
Every minute,
And every second,
Of every day.

I am jealous of your phone,
Who gets to hold your hand,
While you walk.
Who gets to see you smile,
Almost every hour,
Of every day.
Who gets to comfort you,
Throughout the day.

I am jealous,
That I am not these things in your life.
I am not holding you to sleep,
Kissing you awake.
Waking you up,
With my warmth.
Holding you tightly,
With warm embraces.
Holding your hand,
While you walk.
Seeing you smile,
Throughout the day.
I am jealous.

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