Love is...

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Whoever said love is kind is a liar;
Love is cruel.
Love chokes you, and torments you,
Until you can't stand it anymore.

Love is the most beautiful,
And the most painful thing,
You will ever experience in a lifetime.

To really be in love,
You also have to know,
The suffering that goes with it.

Its sharp blades rip into your chest,
And squeeze your heart out,
Until you beg for the end,
Bleeding out on the floor.

Love is a rope,
That leaves you gasping for air,
Until your lungs feel like,
They'll never expand again.

Love isn't a fairy tale,
That is lusted, and sought after.
It is a curse,
That catches you in its snare,
And dooms you,
To a pit of absolute agony.

Love is a plague,
A spreading disease,
It is infectious, contagious,
And vastly ever reaching.

Love is a drug,
Injected into a vein.
It's an absolute high,
That will have you aching for more,
Until it leaves you drooling in heap.

Love is the fall through the ice,
The freezing water cutting off screams,
Numbing your limbs,
And sinking until everything is black.

Love is hateful, evil, and never kind.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2023 ⏰

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