Chapter 4

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The school bell rang once more telling everyone that it was time for lunch. Students gather their things and began making their way out of the classrooms. Faith was already half way down the hallway ignoring half of the stares she got walking down it.

"Would you like to have lunch with me?" Deuce said beside her after catching up with her 

"Are you asking me out?" she teased

"What if I am?" he teased back

"Than I would say yes" she said making him smile

"Than yeah, I am" he said and held out his arm for her to take, like a true gentlemen. On their way outside Faith told him she would meet him outside. She walk towards the bathroom and did what she needed but was stop by the very same girl that push her into the lockers as Faith was stepping out into the hallway.

"Lookly here the human girl thinks she can come in and steal my boyfriend. Deuce is mine bitch so you need to stay the hell away or else" she said but to Faith this was fun. This isn't the first time this has ever happen to her and she knew it wouldn't be the last. This girl was trying to scare Faith, acting all tough and mean.

"Or else what?" Faith ask giving off her family's smirk. The smirk of the Mikaelson's that scares people, makes them back down against them or know that something bad is about to happen to them or someone they love or care for. Cleo the girl was starting to feel scared but tried to push it down and not let it show but she was failing at that.

"I'll make your life a living hell" she told Faith. But all Faith did was laugh which confused Cleo very much

"How can you do that when it already is" she said

"Will that be all for today Cleo?" Deuce ask walking up to the girls. Something inside him was telling him that he needed to check on Faith, that he needed to find her, quick. "Cleo I want you to leave me alone but most importantly I want you to leave Faith alone. I'm not yours and I will never be yours ever again" he add. He grab Faith hand as both of them walk hand in hand towards the food court yard "I'm so sorry about that and about her, she's my-" he was saying but Faith cut him off as they grab their food and found some seats

"Your ex-girlfriend" she said getting a nod from him "Yeah, she told me that you were hers and that I needed to stay away or else my life would be a living hell" she add

"I'm so sorry" he said and that's the only thing he could think of to say in this moment, not even having any other words to say to describe on what he feeling about this.

"It's okay, it's not your fault. But there is one thing I got to ask, how did you know she would be talking to me?" Faith ask

"Um...I didn't. There was something telling me that I had to find you" he said wanting to tell her the truth and not lie to her ever.

"Well, I'm glad you listen because honestly I was 5 seconds from either slapping her or killing her" Faith said causing the both of them to laugh but the thing is Faith was telling the truth and deep down Deuce knew she was to and he honestly would not blame her. Faith wouldn't be the first to want to do those things to Cleo.

"Anyway, are you going to listen?" he ask, making her confused from his words

"What do you mean?" she ask

"Cleo told you to stay away. Are you going too? Are you going to listen?" he ask hoping and praying she would say no

"No. I'm not" she said immediately "I don't scare that easily" she add

"Good to know" he said as they both held eye contact with one another, loving every second of it. "So, do you know what your going to write about in your report in Mr.komos class? It seemed you knew a lot about those curse wolf's even the vampires" he said, not even knowing what she was which made her curious to why he never ask

"If I'm being honest I have no idea. What about you?" she ask

"Same but I did over hear a few ideas that some people are doing. Heath is doing sea monsters, Frankie every type of werewolf, and Draulaura is doing about vampires but it's the nightwalkers. Most specific The Originals." he said making her gulp at the same part of his sentence.

"The Originals. As in the Original vampires" she stated

"Yeah, um...their pretty well known in the supernatural world" he said making her laugh which kind of confused him

"Yeah, they pretty are" she said "What do you think of them?" she ask

"Well in all honestly I've heard the stories...I mean who hasn't. But I think they their misunderstood. People do things for a reason for a purpose. Everyone does, but not a lot of people don't understand their reasons or know about them and they judge anyway. I don't blame them for it but at some point they got too. So, their view as evil" he said. She love his answer and he was right, her family did what they had to do from a 1,000 years of being treated so harshly, and being abused.

"I like that. About them being misunderstood. Have you ever met one of the Originals?" she ask

"No, not personally but my mother is friends with Elijah" he said and that's when her smile drop, remembering he is longer here along with her father and her mother. She was hoping he was going to say Rebekah or Kol or even Freya.

"Really? Um...we...were they....close?" she ask

"In my eyes I believe they are. But my she hasn't heard from him in awhile" he said. That doesn't surprise her since not a hole lot of people know that Elijah and Klaus Mikaelson are dead and have been for some time now.

"You don't know" she blurted out not even meaning too.

"Don't know what?" he ask

"Oh um...nothing" she said "Actually, I think I know what I'll write about. Witches" she add

"That might not be a good idea" he said

"Why?" she ask

"Witches aren't welcome here in Monster High. People say their dangerous and just not good" he said

"Not all are. And if I can recall it was witches that created at least half of the monsters in the world" she said making him smirk

"Very true" he said  "Now, tell me about yourself. I want to know everything" he add. So, there the two young love birds sat telling each other everything but Faith never said what she was or who her family was. They told each stories of them growing up some extremely funny stories. She even told him her favorite song and to her shock he never heard of it. So, that's when the two end up in her dorm room listening and dancing to American Pie.

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