Chapter 11

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Deuce could feel Faith's tears on his bare chest as he held her close to him. The words of Bloodgood played in her mind, how the school is showing sign of falling apart because there's a human which happens to be Clawdeen a very close friend to Faith and might leave if people find out about her. Then there's Draculaura another close friend who might be leaving the school for good, she could smell the sadness off her last night when Bloodgood took away her spell book.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Deuce ask. Faith shook her head yes and sat up a little, she wanted to talk to someone about this and she wanted it to be Deuce, she could ask for forgiveness later from her friends.

"Draculaura has been doing witchcraft and me, Frankie, and Clawdeen were the only ones that knew but tonight we got caught sneaking back in by Bloodgood and Mr. Komos and Cleo just so happen to be there with them." Faith said only telling one secret, she knew by morning people would know this due to Cleo so there was no harm into telling Deuce about this now but Clawdeen's secret that was different and that was something she wasn't going to say just yet until Clawdeen say's something or gives Faith the okay. "Draculaura might get kick out of the school and Bloodgood is going to tell her father and he will make her give it up" she add as a tear fell down her face.

It wasn't fair in Faith's mind. She is a witch too, yeah she might be a different type of witch but that didn't mean anything less she still had the power of a witch maybe even more since her and Hope are the most powerful witches in the world and maybe that's why Bloodgood won't say anything to her before or kicking her out.

"I honestly don't know what to say. But I know with you involved things will work itself out because you being you will try and fix it. And I'll be here the whole time if you need me." Deuce said "I'm also going to take a guess here and say that you were helping Draculaura" he add, getting her to nod

"When it comes to a witch as you already know is that more you practice and focus, you get stronger, your power builds up so that can be able to do difficult spells so easily" she said "When I found out, I offered to help her, that I could help. Help her focus and help center her magic and more" she add

"Your a good friend and knowing Draculaura father, she won't be kick out but the whole witchcraft thing will probably be taken away from her." he said. After that Faith laid her head back down on Deuce's chest and went to sleep in his arms.

Next Day

Faith and Deuce both woke up to banging on the their door. When Deuce got up and just to see Darculaura and Frankie on the other side of the door.

"I need Faith" she said pushing past him "Clawdeen's gone. Her things are gone" she add seeing Faith sitting on the bed

"She ran away?" Faith questioned

"Yeah and we have no idea where to find her" Frankie said. Faith got up and grab a map, opening it up and placing it on the table.

"You remember what I said about wanting to find someone, tracking them down?" Faith ask getting a nod from Darculaura "Good because your going to chant with me and were going to find her and bring her back" she add

"Why would Clawdeen leave the school?" Deuce ask still having no idea what Clawdeen is.

"It's not my secret to say" Faith and Darculaura say in sync of one another.

"I think it's best when we find Clawdeen and bring her back, maybe she will tell you" Frankie said as she went to work on tracking down her friend. Once she was ready, her and Darculaura began the spell. Within less then 20 seconds they found her.

"She's in the human world" Darculaura said making Deuce look shock at this

"What would she be doing there?" he questioned

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