Chapter 7: Sabito & Makomo

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"Are you okay?"

(Y/n) started to regain consciousness slowly, and realized she had been knocked out.
"W-what happened?"
She saw a girl with gentle cyan eyes wearing a flowery yukata and a kitsune mask beside her head looking at her. She sat up on the ground.

"She's so pretty..."

"You were unconscious for quite some time after the fight. Sabito told me to take care of you and Tanjiro."
"His name is Sabito? Wait, where's Tanjiro?" She found Tanjiro beside her, waking up.

"Oh, you're right here... Thank god."

"What... happened?" Tanjiro groaned as he touched his head. "Did I faint?"
"Correction: We fainted after the fight." (Y/n) cringed as she tried to remember how exactly they both were knocked out.

Tanjiro gasped. "Did you see it?" he said, finally remembering what happened. "That was such a big blow! How did he do it?? It was totally flawless!" he ranted.
"It was really beautiful. I want to be just like that! Can I do it like him??"

"Yeah... he was really talented," said the girl.

Meanwhile, the younger girl just smiled at them, crouching in front of the duo. "Of course you can. Because I'll watch over you both."
The crouched girl gave a light chuckle.

"She's so cute..." thought a blushing Tanjiro, staring at the new girl. "Barely as pretty as (Y/n)-chan, but still pretty, nonetheless..."

Meanwhile, (Y/n) had noticed Tanjiro blushing and nudged him, slightly jealous.
"Hey!" She glared at Tanjiro.

"Ah, sorry..." The older boy turned away, trying to avoid his blush but failing, leading to more glares from (Y/n).

"(Y/n)-chan looks so pretty when she's annoyed!" He blushed.


The duo eventually found out that the girl's name was Makomo. Every day, Makomo helped them by constantly pointing out their weaknesses, helping them point out their unnecessary moves, getting rid of their bad habits, and so on.

"Why do you want to help us, Makomo?" (Y/n) had asked out of the blue one day, while the younger girl was sitting peacefully on the rock, making a flower crown, but she had refused to answer.

"We absolutely love Urokodaki-san," That's what Makomo had always told the duo. She had also told them that Sabito and her weren't twins, but two orphans adopted by Urokodaki.
"There are other kids here too. Everyone is watching you, Tanjiro and (Y/n)."

"Makomo is a little strange. She always speaks in vague words..." thought Tanjiro.

"As for Total Concentration Breathing, it can increase your blood circulation and speed up the pulse of your heart," Makomo explained.
"That's how I feel when I'm near (Y/n)-chan... Is it related?" Tanjiro wondered.

"That is so your body will get warmer, and you'll be strong as a demon even when you're still human. In short, it makes your lungs bigger and lets more and more air into your blood. When your blood goes into shock, your bones and muscles heat up rapidly making you stronger," she finished, as (Y/n) understood completely what the younger girl said.

"I... don't quite get it..." mumbled a confused Tanjiro, while the girls looked at him with dotted eyes.

"He's stupid, but he's cute," thought the older girl.

"Anyways, how can we do to achieve that?" she asked.
"Work out with all your might," was the younger girl's only answer. "Besides that, I don't see any other way to achieve it."

That night...
(Y/n) and Tanjiro were resting at night after the Total Concentration Breathing lesson. However, Tanjiro got up as he wasn't sleepy. He always went to the spot where he and (Y/n) stargazed once as it provided comfort to him whenever he was anxious. And yes, the author added some drama because THIS IS SO CUTE <3

"Tanjiro?" a voice behind him said.
"Makomo? Is that you?"
"Yeah. What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be sleeping?"
"I was feeling a bit worried. I like to come here sometimes since it's kind of (Y/n)'s and my special spot." Tanjiro had a small smile.

"Do you like her?"
"Wha- huh? Whom??" he stuttered.
"(Y/n). Do you like her?" replied Makomo as she gave a childish smirk.

"(Y-Y/n)? O-of course I do! A-as a friend!" Tanjiro tried to cover up but failed. Miserably.

"Whatever you say, Tanjiro," Makomo laughed lightly.
"I-I mean it!" (Yep, Tanjiro had his terrible lying face on.)

Makomo smiled sat down on the grass and looked up at the stars. "Why do you like her so much? Even if you like her as a friend."
"Well, she's strong, she's affectionate, and she's the nicest person I know!" He sat down on the grass beside Makomo.

Just then, (Y/n), who had noticed Tanjiro wasn't in the hut, had gone out to look for him and saw him talking to Makomo.
"...nicest person I know!" she heard the older boy tell the girl.

"Tanjiro-kun. What are you doing here?"
Tanjiro looked at the annoyed girl behind her.

"A-ah, (Y/n)! W-when did you come here?" Tanjiro blushed, hoping the girl hadn't overheard the conversation.

"Just now." She glared at Tanjiro.
"Did he tell Makomo that she was the nicest person he knows? What about me?? What am I? A caterpillar??"

Tanjiro noticed an angry scent coming from (Y/n).
He smirked, laughing. "Are you... jealous?"

(Y/n) just smacked him on his back, embarrassed. "Shut up!"

Meanwhile, Makomo just witnessed the scene unfold in front of her, giggling silently at the duo's dynamic.


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