Chapter 19: Handballs and Arrows

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Two demons awaited the group outside of the house, and they were not here for a friendly chat.

The first demon was a woman with cat-like yellow eyes and black-to-orange hair. She wore an orange kimono and a black haori.

The other demon had short black hair and wore a plain olive-green kimono and a dark gray haori, decorated by a strip of green that ran down his arms from his shoulders to his wrists, and a necklace with large blue pearls around his neck. His eyes were kept shut, probably because he didn't want to see his fashion choices.

The demon controlling the temari ball chuckled. "Too bad Yahaba that we have to bring one alive. I wanted to kill them all," she threw the ball into the house again causing a huge part of the wall to collapse, making the group visible to the demons.

Another temari ball entered the house. Yushiro, who was trying to protect Tamayo got hit by the ball, causing him to lose his head (quite literally).
(Y/n) gasped in horror as she tried to deflect the ball from hurting others further. "Yushiro-san!"

Tanjiro turned to his sister. "Nezuko, move the woman sleeping inside to a safe place outside."
"Outside is too dangerous!" Tamayo shouted as she held Yushiro's decapitated figure in her hands. "The house has a basement. Go there!"
"Got it. Nezuko, move the woman there," Tanjiro told Nezuko. She followed her brother's instructions and ran towards the other room.

The temari demon laughed, "I killed one already."
The balls returned to the demon, but only after causing a slight graze on (Y/n)'s left cheek, causing her to bleed a little.
She held her golden sword warily in front of her. "Their presence is heavy. These demons probably have a large amount of Kibutsuji's blood. I need to be careful."

"The demon slayer wearing hanafuda earrings must be you, right?" she grinned, glancing at Tanjiro. "And the one with (H/c) hair and (E/c) eyes with a golden sword hilt is you."
"They're targeting us?" Tanjiro panicked, as he didn't want (Y/n) to get hurt.
Yahaba frowned. "Susumaru, remember to not kill the girl. We need to bring her safely to the lord."

"Tamayo-san, please go to a safer spot. They're targeting us demon slayers!" (Y/n) alerted.
"Please focus on your battle and not us. We'll be fine here," Tamayo responded calmly as she looked up, "because we're demons."

"Are you done?" Susumaru laughed. "Let me end your lives with this handball!" she hurled both her handballs at the house at a lightning pace.
"Breath of Water, Seventh Form: Drop Ripple Thrust Curve!" Tanjiro struck an arc to slow down the ball and the ball got impaled by the sword. However, the ball moved on its own and removed itself from the sword.

"The ball can move on its own??" (Y/n) realized. "The ball did turn at an unnatural angle when it hit Yushiro. It's almost like the demon is controlling the balls with her mind."

The duo looked back to see Yushiro's face being regenerated in a disturbing manner slowly.
"I told you we must not get involved with demon slayers from the start," he said to Tamayo, frustrated, "My blindfold isn't perfect. Although I could hide the house, smell, and the breath of people, the actual existence won't disappear. You should know that clearly!"

"I didn't sense the presence of the demons before they attacked. Could it be because of the blindfold spell?" she wondered.

"Anyone who disturbs my time with you," Yushiro regenerated the rest of his head, "I WON'T FORGIVE THEM!"

The temari demon cackled. "What did you say?" she removed her kimono from her upper body, revealing a black crop. "This is fun! You should be honored to be killed by me, one of the Twelve Demon Moons!"

"She's not from the Twelve Demon Moons. Urokodaki-san said they have engravings in their eyes stating their rank," Tanjiro thought.

"Is that something important??" (Y/n) gasped. "Didn't Urokodaki-san tell me something about the Twelve Demon Moons? Wait, I don't remember anything he said though... Why am I so dumb?"

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