Chapter 17: Muzan Kibutsuji

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Tanjiro had tried to get into the swamp along with (Y/n) but had failed as the second demon, who was the strongest of the trio, had closed all the swamps and started fighting him. 

"Dammit. I need to get into that swamp to save (Y/n)!" 

Tanjiro unleashed a breathing technique on the demon. 
"Breath of Water, First Form: Water Surface Slash!" He cut off both the arms of the swamp demon. However, the demon tried to kick him, only for his leg to be sent flying away by Nezuko's kick.

Nezuko easily overpowered the last remaining demon with her bare hands.

She weaved through four of the demon's strikes in a row, including a punch of the swamp demon that crushed the ground. Nezuko followed it up with a powerful jab into the demon's gut which him cough up blood. 

The demon managed to evade her next punch but ended up getting beaten by Nezuko's punch-and-kick combo. The demon scratched Nezuko's forehead with his sharp nails, and she sent him flying into a wall with a kick in return.

Tanjiro ran up to the demon and severed the demon's limbs, leaving him only with his torso and head.
"Don't you dare hurt my sister."


"Crap. I need to get out of this place now." The girl swam up but took a piece of cloth along with her with Satoko's hairpiece.

"You three smell of rotten oil. Just how many people have you killed?" muffled voices came inside the swamp. "If we let those girls live on, they will grow ugly and stale! SO WE ATE THEM FOR THEIR OWN GOOD!"

(Y/n) swam out of the swamp and saw the two-horned demon backed into a cracked wall by Tanjiro. She stood up on the pavement. "Even that girl who accompanies you, I NEED TO EAT HER!" the demon shouted. "I haven't eaten a marechi in so lo-"

The demon was interrupted by (Y/n) who had slit his throat. He coughed up blood.
"That's enough. Why is Nezuko injured, you piece of shit?"

Looking up, Tanjiro found (Y/n) glaring at the demon. "(Y/n)-chan! Are you alright?"
(Y/n) nodded. "I beheaded the other two demons." 

"She's strong, kind, and pretty... I love her so much." Tanjiro blushed, but he remembered the problem at hand and turned to the bleeding demon.

Tanjiro pointed his sword at the demon's neck. "Tell me everything you know about Muzan Kibutsuji."
(Y/n) continued to glare at the demon while she was surrounded by a dark aura.


"Tanjiro-kun, has anything been bothering you? You've been a bit quiet lately." the girl asked the boy who was sitting on his futon. It was midnight. He nodded.

"It's nothing, really. Urokodaki-san told me something and I guess I've been thinking about it."
"What is it? You can tell me."
"It was Muzan Kibutsuji who turned Nezuko into a demon," he sighed. "I just found out today."

"Who is Kibutsuji?" (Y/n) asked.
"He's the only demon who can turn humans into demons. He's practically the demon king in a way, so he might know the way to turn Nezuko human."

The girl nodded. "We just need to get information from him, then."


The demon trembled in fear upon hearing the boy's question. His breath quickened as his heartbeat thrummed so loudly that even Tanjiro could hear it.
"I-I c-can't," he stammered. 'I c-can't!"

"It's the scent of him so scared that his bones are trembling deep inside," Tanjiro thought.
"I can sense his overwhelmingly terrified aura from here. What kind of hell has he gone through?" the girl wondered. "He deserves it, though."

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