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Warnings/Tags: Angry Sex, Rough smut, Thigh Riding, Restraints, Orgasm Delay Mirror Sex, Strap-ons, Multiple Orgasms, Squirting, Angst


Fingers twitched in her lap as Wanda sat through yet another lecture about how she 'failed' the team by letting you get away the first time and causing a scene during the mission with a civilian. Her jaw was kept firmly shut to make sure she didn't snap at Steve as he spoke to her, ignoring her points about how it was actually SHIELD agents that were the reason you got him and how she also found out the location of the scientist which they recovered. Yes, he did have to be taken to the hospital immediately but that was better than him being dead.

"I'm taking you off missions for a month," his voice was serious, her head snapping away from the floor to stare at him in shock.

"What?" She tried to keep her voice level but it was raised slightly, the Captain standing from his seat and gathering the files out on the table.

"You heard what I said," he didn't offer her a sympathetic smile, just continued to grab his things to show his decision was final.

"You can't do that," she moved in front of the door so he couldn't leave. "I'm a vital part of this team, I'm a valuable asset."

"Who has been careless and sloppy in her last few missions," he put a hand on her shoulder, looking her in the eyes, "Think of this as a break, ok? A little time off that you need." Her mouth opened to argue more but he gently pushed her out of the way and left her alone.

Her magic surrounded the objects in the room, them flying across the room into the walls before she decided she needed to leave, to get away from the condescending lectures from her teammates.


A knocking was heard at your door, taking your attention away from the blade in your hand. Can't a girl clean her knives in peace? You walked over to the door, opening it to see Wanda making your head tilt in confusion but also amusement.

"What happened to not wanting to-'' she shut you up with a bruising kiss, hands roughly grabbing at your shirt while yours went to her waist, bringing her in closer. She moaned into the kiss, giving you time to slip your tongue into her mouth. "Talk," you sighed out when she pulled back, closing the door with her foot as she pushed you till your knees hit your sofa.

"Shut up," hands shoved you down onto the cushions, her legs instantly going either side of yours as she straddled you, "And fuck me." She unabashedly started to grind her hips down, your hands gripping at her waist while hers tugged your head where she wanted it by your hair.

"What's got my little witch so riled up?" you mutter between kisses, your fingers playing with the hem of her shirt.

"I just want to forget about it," she mumbles, pulling back to pull your shirt over your head, her hands going to your back to feel the toned muscle. "Make me forget."

"Forget about what?" You slide your fingers up her shirt, scratching down her abdomen making her hiss into a kiss before softly running your fingers up where you just left red trails.

"Steve, missions, the team, us," she grits out, pulling her own shirt over her head as you were stalling.

"What about us?" your heart jumps at the idea of being a thing but also clenches as it's one of the reasons she's acting like this.

"How it should stop, needs to stop," she moves her hand to grip your jaw, making you look at her as your gaze had wandered.

"You're doing an amazing job of stopping it," you tease, finger trailing from her neck, down the valley of her breasts and to the top of her jeans.

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