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Warnings/Tags: Violence, Murder, Feelings


One month later

A fist collided with your jaw, your head snapping to the side at the force of the hit. Blood spilled down the side of your face as you just chuckled at the man in front of you, looking up with a cocky smile. His jaw clenched at your smug expression and his fist once again collided with your face, a groan of pain escaping you.

"Not so big and bad now, are you?" he mocked as he towered over your restrained frame in the chair, his breath reeking of the cigar he just smoked. "Got any more silly remarks?" her fingers gripped your chin, forcefully tilting your head up to look at him.

"You need a mint," his knee slammed into your stomach, winding you and causing you to gasp for breath for a moment.

"You know, I thought you would have been better than this," his words make you frown in confusion. "I expected better from the one they called Thanatos," he sneered and your body tensed at the name. "Oh? Struck a nerve have I?" He taunted, shoving your face back and walking over to the side table to grab a gun.

"How do you know?" your voice cold as you stall for time but also curious as to how somehow found out about your past you tried so hard to bury.

"About Hydra's best torturer and agent or that it was you?" You looked at him blankly as he pointed the gun at you, slowly walking towards you.

"Well, when you murdered my brother, I noticed something familiar about the way he was killed," the metal was placed against your temple, the look on his face sinister as his finger hovered over the trigger. "Then when I started looking into this new criminal, slaughtering Hydra members all with a trademark slash at the throat, not fatal enough to kill immediately but enough to make them wish they were dead, I recognised it as an old habit Thanatos used to do." His face harboured a smug and proud expression, thinking he had just solved the hardest puzzle possible and was about to get his revenge for his brother. "It seems your past can't escape you," his words sent a chill down your spine, you weren't like that anymore, you didn't kill innocent people this time. "I wonder what people will say when they find out I managed to kill you," he chuckled to himself and you just needed a moment longer before you could wipe the look off his face.

"Then do it," you raise your eyebrow at him, the smile on his lips turning down slightly at your words, "Pull the trigger, become the legend who murdered Thanatos." You could feel the barrel of the gun shake faintly and grinned. "Come on, do it," you taunted and his finger pulled the trigger.

Laughter spilled from your lips as you moved to stand, dangling the handcuffs that were used to restrain you in one hand while the other gripped the gun in his hand. His face paled at look in your eyes, the murderous expression as you sinisterly smiled at him.

"Did you really think I didn't know about you or what you were up to?" you chuckled out, freeing the gun from his hand while he stumbled backwards, too shocked to think of a plan. Your fingers went to your pocket, digging out the bullet you took from the gun earlier and loaded the firearm. "That I didn't notice you following me?"

"H-How did you-" he stuttered out, realising he was now a dead man as you walked over to his shaking form.

"There's a reason I was the best," your foot slammed into his knee, cleanly breaking it before he could fight back, sending him to the floor in agony. You fist gripped at his shirt, pulling his body up until he was kneeling, the broken bone in his leg painfully supporting part of his weight making him cry out in pain. "Now-"

"Put the gun down Y/n," her voice rang out in the room, you groaning at the familiar voice and the fact you had been too distracted to notice her.

"Why do you always insist on ruining my fun Romanoff?" you grumbled, turning to face her while placing the head of the gun at the man's head, a pathetic whimper escaping him.

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