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Warnings/Tags: Fluff, Soft smut, Multiple Orgasms, Face-Sitting, Squirting 


Laughter filled the cell as you looked over at Wanda, a small grin on her face as you chuckled at her. Your hands ran over the back of her calves, her legs thrown over your lap as sat with you on the bed, a small giggle still escaping you.

"Stop laughing at it," she grumbles, a smile still playing on her lips though, "I shouldn't have told you." You bite your lip to stop laughing but it fails as a new burst escapes you, her magic pinching at your side making you stop for a brief moment.

"You're right, not funny," you try your hardest to keep a straight face as you look into her green eyes, "not funny at all- Natasha listens to Cheap Thrills by Sia?" Wanda covers her face to stop laughing with you, a groan coming from her when you start to sing the lyrics.

"Shut up," she uses her magic to pinch you again and you manage to calm down, wiping away a tear of laughter from your cheek. "You're not supposed to know, so keep it quiet," she reminds, you nodding along with a sly grin.

You and Wanda had been talking aimlessly for the last hour or two, learning things about each other, telling stories and that's how you learnt Wanda took Natasha's car for a drive and Cheap Thrills started blasting out of the speakers. Neither of you could believe she would listen to music like that and now you were determined to annoy the spy about it for the rest of her life.

A few minutes later, the redhead walked in with the intention of speaking to you but smiled when she saw you two together lying on the bed.

"I see you talked it out," the Russian commented and her brow raised at the mischievous grin you were giving her.

"Well it's Friday night, and it-" Wanda's hand clamped over your mouth, the witch rushing to cover your mouth as you continued to mumble against her palm.

"What Y/n was saying... was that it's Friday and we don't want to be in a bad mood, so we talked it out," your were moving your head to an imaginary beat, still muttering the lyrics while her hand pressed firmer against your mouth. You could feel her body next to you, well,  half on top of you, as she tried to shut you up.

Natasha just gave you both an indecipherable stare while you finished talking against her hand before changing the conversation. "I was just coming in to tell you Fury wants a word, so preferably don't annoy him," she warns and you pull Wanda away from you mouth, her giving you a pleading look to not say anything.

"I won't annoy him," everyone in the room knew that was a blatant lie but no one said anything about it as Natasha decided to leave while you two were acting strange.

"I told you to keep it quiet!" you feel her hit your shoulder, you rubbing the spot while smiling at her annoyed face.

"I was singing it quietly," you argue back, earning a little glare. "Oh come on my little witch," you say as she pulls away from you, "It was funny." Your hands wrap around her middle, pulling her close again so that your face is at her neck. You could feel her breath hitch when your warm breath tickled her skin, mouth moving to her ear.

"It's not funny when she's going to beat me up in training," she mutters.

"I'll protect you, my little witch," you whisper at the shell of her ear, making her turn her head to meet your lips. The kiss was supposed to be innocent but when you felt her turn in your lap the thought went straight out of your mind. Her legs straddled your waist, hands holding your shoulders as her lips moved against yours. Your hands trailed down her back till they rested on her hips, your tongue seeking entrance making her pull back. Her eyes looked at you with lust but there was a shy look on her face.

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