19: Left Behind

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The next two weeks are spent relaxing and traveling Italy. When it's time to leave, the flight gets delayed, so I decide to go to lunch alone one last time before going home. No one tells me that the flight is put back on schedule. When I arrive back at the airport, I realize that everyone has left and are already on the plane back home. "Fucking hell." I mumble to myself as I leave the airport. The next flight is for tomorrow morning, so I have to wait. I've tried calling the team, but I assume they have no service.

When I get back to the hotel, I don't even bother unpacking. I spend most of the day reading and watching TV. They just left me. Fucking assholes. Honestly, I'm kind of upset. They just forgot about me. I sigh and check my phone. No calls or texts from any of them. I text the group chat with all of them letting them know what happened and where I am. I know they won't receive it until they land, but still. I groan and throw my phone back on the bed. I hear a knock at my door and look at the time. 19:42 (07:42pm). I sigh and open the door, gasping. A man stands in front of me. I recognize him. How could I forget him? 

He walks into my door, pushing past me and shutting the door behind him. He grabs my arm and pulls me to the center of the room. I'm still in shock. He's really here. He closes the curtains and searches the room. I assume he's checking to make sure I'm alone. After he checks the room, he stands in front of me. "Do you remember who I am?" He asks quietly. His voice is huskier, deeper. It has been years, so it makes sense. He has a few scars now. One on his left cheek, two on his neck on either side, one on his right forearm, and one on his left collarbone. I nod.

"It's been a while." He says. I nod again. His mouth forms into a smirk. "Cat got your tongue?"

"What are you doing here?" I finally manage to say. He steps closer to me, so I take a step back.

"I wanted to see you." He says. I shake my head. 

"No," I say, not believing he's actually here. He steps closer again, so I step back again, my back hitting the edge of the bed. Shit. 

"What do you mean no?" He asks and steps closer. His body is only inches from mine now. "I'm here darling. I'm real." He reaches out and touches my arm softly. My whole body jerks away and my eyes go wide. 

"How?" I say quietly. "I've been searching for you." He smiles.

"I know." He says and places his cheek on my hand. 

"You know?" I ask. He nods.

"I've been staying away for a reason." He says as his hand drops down to the side of my neck.

"Why?" I ask. 

"I knew if I came near, it would only hurt you." He says.

"And yet," I say. "You're here now." He nods. 

"I am." He says. "As a means to an end."

"What do you mean?" I ask. He grabs my neck and pulls me so my face is inches from his.

"You are a means to an end." He says. 

"What?" I say and feel a pinch on my arm. I look down to see him holding a needle. My head starts to spin and so does the room.

"Have a nice nap." Is the last thing I hear before I pass out.


(Ghost's POV)

When I finally get back to Italy, I'm with Konig, Keegan, and Price. We search Star's room and she's nowhere to be found. "Where the fuck is she?" I ask. All her stuff is still here. Her phone is on the bed with her coat. She never goes anywhere without her phone. Price leaves to ask the hotel staff if they've seen her. 

"Is there anywhere she could've gone?" Keegan asks. I look at him and shake my head.

"Where would she go?" I ask and point to her phone. "Especially without her phone." Konig sits in the corner of the room, silent as always. When Price comes back, Star's phone starts ringing. Price answers it and places it on speaker.

"Hello, this is Price speaking." Price says.

"Hello, Captain Price." The man on the phone says. It's so familiar. "Is Konig and Ghost with you?" Price looks at us.

"Who is this?" Price asks. 

"They know who I am." The man says. "What you should be asking is what have I done with your precious Star." The man laughs.

"Where is she?" I ask, taking the phone from Price. 

"Hello Ghost." The man says and laughs again. "She's safe, for now."

"Where is she?" I ask again. "I swear to god, if you hurt her, I'll-"

"You'll what?" He asks. "Kill me? You'll already kill me once you put the pieces together. But that's beside the point." He chuckles. "This is what I need you to do. You need to go on live TV and tell the world Simon Riley is alive. Take off your mask too. For Konig, he needs to do the same but tell everyone his full name. Once you've both done that, I'll call her phone and tell you where she is. The longer you take to complete this, the more I hurt her." 

"I'll do it." Konig says. I look at him.

"If you do this, everyone will be after you," I say. "And once they find out why you did, everyone will be after Star."

"I'll deal with it then," Konig says. "Right now, Star's safety is my number one priority. And it should also be yours." I shake my head. 

"I can't," I say.

"If you don't," The voice on the phone says. "This is what will happen. The first few days I'll beat her. I'll make sure there are bruises all over her body. After that, I'll torture her, just like they torture us when we get captured." Us. He said us. He's military. Special ops. "And well, if that doesn't motivate you, then I can bring in something more traumatic. I'll even make sure to get her family involved. It's up to you Simon." 

"Don't do this John," I say, realizing who I'm talking to. "She loved you. You don't have to hurt her." He chuckles. 

"Try me." He says. A piercing scream filled with pain comes from the phone. It's from Star. "You're already taking too long." With that, he hangs up.

"Fuck!" Konig says and starts cursing in German.


Word count: 1135

Sorry that I took so long to publish this chapter. I kept getting writer's block and didn't know what to write. Thank you for being patient with me. 💜

Also, happy Halloween my loves. What are you dressing up as this year?

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