1. Samantha

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I fell clumsily onto my bed. The sun would be up soon, and we'd just gotten home. What. A. Night!

"Sam, check your sugar," Mom said. "It seems off. Do a manual test?"

I groaned.

"Sam," she warned me.

"Okay, okay, okay," I groaned.

"Tell me the number," she said. Unfortunately, I was falling asleep.

Unfortunate for me because, Mom was suddenly at my side, patting my face and screaming my name.

"Gah! Mom!" I screamed. "I was asleep!"

"I'm sorry. I thought you were low, and you passed out," she said. "Let me see your monitor."

I held up the small digital device for her to see.

"Oh. Eighty-four. You're fine," she said.

"What happened? What's going on? Sam? Are you okay?"

Now, Dad was shaking me awake.

"Oh for Pete's sake," I groaned again.

"Tyler, she's fine. Her blood sugar is eighty-four," Mom said.

"Then why were you screaming her name?"

"Because I asked her to test her sugar manually, and she fell asleep before she could tell me the number.  I thought she passed out."

I was starting to doze off already while they were discussing just how annoying they could be.

"Could you guys carry this conversation on in your room? You're keeping me awake."

"Yes. Sorry, sweetheart.  Big night tonight! Get some sleep!"

I rolled over and placing my pillow over my face groaned into the pillow. I really wish Mom hadn't just said that! Tonight we were having a big gala type thing to award our first Blaine Carter Scholarship. Well, the actual award was being given out on Friday night, but tonight we were having a huge sort of launch of the first ever endowment. Friday was a big event with press and I had to give a speech and everything. All week I had stuff going on. Tonight the gala, tomorrow an interview on morning TV, and then a radio interview. Then Friday the big event. I couldn't believe Mom and Dad had pulled this off. Dad and Uncle Josh were playing on Friday, Blaine's parents were coming to talk about Blaine and the shooting and stuff.

It was really exciting.

And then, summer. Dad had said we might go away but nothing was planned yet.

I managed, finally to fall asleep.

I felt like I'd only been asleep for a few minutes when I was woken up in the most adorable way.

"Saaaaaaaammmmmy!" A little voice weaselled it's way into my Land of Nod.

"Saaaaaammmmmmaaaaaaaa!" Said a second tiny voice.

I opened just one eye slightly.

"Sammy! You awake?" Rosie asked quietly.

"Sama wake!" Junie cried happily.

"No. I'm fast asleep, dreaming about marshmallows that keep calling my name. They sound delicious," I said grabbing Rosie by the sides and pulling her in top of me and tickling her. She fell into throes of giggles.

"No! Sammy!" She cried out in laughter. "No! Stop tickling!"

"I can't. I'm fast asleep. I'm sleep tickling!" I said.

Rosie could not stop laughing if she tried.

"Noooooo! Sammy! Stop!" She laughed.

"Okay, okay," I said. "I'll just eat this delicious marshmallow."

Worst Summer Ever... (Book 7 of Adopted by Jenna and Tyler Joseph)Where stories live. Discover now