12. Tyler

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The Search For Samantha

COLUMBUS - It has been two weeks since Samantha Joseph, now 18, was abducted from the VUE Columbus event venue where she had been hosting the first endowment celebration of the scholarship she founded in honor of her friend Blaine Carter, who died protecting Miss Joseph when their school was the site of another school shooting.

It is believed that she was taken by her estranged uncle, Mark Solman, brother to the late Janet Solman, Samantha's birth mother. Readers may remember that Mark Solman launched a suit against the Josephs for custody of his niece, who he had not known existed until the teen was 14 years old. The two attempted to forge a relationship so Samantha could learn about her family. The Josephs travelled to England, where Solman was living at the time, to meet and spend their holidays with the family.

Shortly after, Solman launched a lawsuit against the Josephs which he lost and the Joseph's cut ties with the Solman family.

According to sources familiar with both families, after losing the case, Mark Solman returned to England. But that's just where his troubles started.

The media attention on the case brought a negative light on the firm Solman worked for in London and he was fired. This jeopardized his work visa in the country. The final blow came when his wife of 15 years, Carol Solman (née Breathwaite) filed for divorce. The source stated that Solman had become obsessed with gaining custody of his niece, which his now-ex-wife did not agree with.

"She said she would have loved to have Samantha stay for a semester in England, after Samantha spent a month visiting, but she certainly wasn't interested in separating her from her family, friends and life. Everything she knows is here in Ohio," Tyler Joseph, Samantha's adoptive father and frontman of the popular alternative band Twentyone Pilots says of the aunt Samantha no longer speaks to.

Security footage from the night Samantha went missing shows Solman gained access to the venue as a member of the sound crew. It is unclear if he was actually working for the company or gained access fraudulently. He is later seen rolling an equipment crate out of the teenager's dressing room.

His whereabouts are currently unknown but it is now believed that he may have crossed state lines with the teenager, who at the time of her abduction, was still legally a minor.

He was seen pushing the crate into a white Ford panel van with a commercial plate that was partially obscured but is believed to start with AN and end with 0.

A nationwide manhunt is underway to find the pair as Samantha's health is in jeopardy.

"Samantha is a type one diabetic and has a prosthetic leg due to complications after an accident. She also has multiple other medical issues that require medication and therapies regularly. Without those, Samantha's life is in grave danger," her father says. "Our priority right now is finding Samantha and making sure she's okay. If Mark does have her, we're pleading with him to please bring Samantha home."

If anyone had any information on the whereabouts of the teen they are asked to contact the FBI, or Columbus Police at their hotline 1-800-555-1234.


I was sitting in our living room with Jake while reporters gathered outside the gates. We were holding a press conference to provide updates (none) and plead, again, for people around the country to help us find Samantha. Jenna was inconsolable. Rosie and Junie were two of the saddest kids in the world. I couldn't remember the last time I heard either of them laugh.

"Are you ready?" Jake asked me. I looked at Jenna. She nodded. Debby and Josh took the girls out to the back yard so they could expend some energy, while we walked out the front door and down the driveway to the gates where we'd make a statement and Jake would answer what could be answered.

I took a deep breath before we opened the gates.

"I'm here today to, again, plead for the return of our daughter, Samantha. While we do have a suspect, we have no way of knowing if he does indeed have Samantha. But whoever does, please, bring our daughter home. Mark, if you do have Samantha, please. You know her history. You know her medical conditions require strict monitoring. Please. For Samantha's sake. Please bring her home."

I stood back while Jake took over.

"I'm Detective Jake Alpert. I am the lead investigator on this case. These are the facts that we know for certain.

On June 17, at approximately 6:40pm, Mark Solman is seen entering Samantha Joseph's dressing room. At 6:46pm, Samantha is seen entering her dressing room. At 7:03pm, Solman is seen pushing a black equipment trunk, or crate, out of Samantha's dressing room. At 7:15, when Samantha was expected to be on stage delivering a speech, she does not appear. The first place checked was her dressing room. She was not there.

A search of the venue turned up no clues but security footage searched later revealed that Mark Solman leaves the room with the equipment trunk.

We ask everyone to keep an eye out for a single man travelling with a teenage girl. It is highly likely at this point that they have crossed state lines and this search is now national. The FBI has been brought in and we will be their liaison in Columbus.

Thank you for your attention," Jake finished.

We turned away and went back to the house. We weren't taking questions. We had no answers. And answering how we were holding up was not a question we could answer.

Jenna broke into tears when we walked back into the house. I wrapped my arms around her and wept with her.

"I just want to know if she's okay," Jenna wailed. "I want her home, of course, but I need to know if she's okay."

"Me too," I said.

Worst Summer Ever... (Book 7 of Adopted by Jenna and Tyler Joseph)Where stories live. Discover now