He stormed in like the short angry man we knew him to be. He laid out the rules for so so we wouldn't mess around. He told us we also has to write an essay telling him we we think we are. Then Bender being the genius he was said "Does Barry Manilow know you raid his wardrobe?" We all knew the answer was yes, yes he does but we didn't say a word. He the looked at all of us and said "You mess with the bull you get the horns." then stormed out. We just kind of looked at each other not quite sure what to do next. Then Allison started bitting her nails really hard. Bender replied with a "if you keep chewing your hand you won't have room for lunch." Then angrily she spit a nail at him. Gross. Brian had a pen in his mouth and he whispered "who are you?" And replied "I am the Walrus." Then Bender started humming the tune to some song. Claire then said "I can't believe this is really happening to me." That got Bender to shut up. Then of corse he had to make some sort of joke about pissing in the library. After that he turned to Brian and said "Hey homeboy, why don't you close that door and we can get the Prom Queen and runner up impregnated." I scoffed "Runner up, I am nobody's runner up." "Then tell that to the rest of the people who voted sweets." I just stared at him in total disgust what gave him the right any way, as if. After that he and Andrew got in a little fight. Then Claire told him to stop because he was just trying to get a rise out of him. Which he replied with a "Sweets you couldn't ignore me if you tried." Ugh what an asshole. Then he teased them about being boyfriend and girlfriend and asked if they had done it. after that Andrew yelled at him which got Vernon to yell at us to stop. Again Bender picked a fight with Claire and Andrew. Things got interesting when he got on the topic of clubs though. Brian told him about the academic clubs he was in which was just adorably awkward. Then Bender mentioned how wrestlers wear tights which got Brian and I to laugh. Then we saw Vernon walk away from his office so Bender got back in his seat. Then seeing he was gone he got up again and went towards the door. "There's not supposed to be any monkey business." Brian interjected. "Have you finished your paper young man." Bender replied. Then he started playing around with one of the doors screws. Meaning we were probably screwed.