Sandy Skittles

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Kayla cuffed the back of Amaira's head.

"What is wrong with you? Don't just eat a skittle that fell on the concrete," Kayla finished with a grumble giving Amaira a stink eye.

Amaira rubbed the back of her own head and glared at Kayla in kind, tasting the green skittle in her mouth.

"Too bad, I already ate it." She stated the obvious.

Kayla looked away from Amaira in annoyance. She observed the long stretch of sand and the tanning bodies of many. The varying colors of swimsuits popping too much for her eyes.

"Yea, well was it crunchy?" Kayla looked back at Amaira and reluctantly asked to make amends through humor.

They both were standing on a sidewalk that converged into the beach waiting for their mother to come back with the car. They had forgotten the sunscreen. It would have been the smart option to find a spot for them to settle down with all the people here but it was meaningless in the face of their mutual awkwardness and social anxiety. The sun beating down on them and their eyes were in a constant state of tension from trying to see far ahead.

Amaira ate another skittle, the sugar, and color painting her pointer finger and thumb.

"Yeah, crunchy," she said awkwardly.

They both stared into the sea.

"There's something different about the sea today," Kayla said in passing.

"Maybe because it's getting ready for a tsunami," Amaira added in cynicism and dry humor.

"Don't even hint at that!" Kayla squabbled.

"Besides, look at all these people here," Kayla gestured with an arm to the beach.

"Ya know, they could all just be plain stupid." Amaira quipped.

Kayla furrowed her brows not adding anything to that and instead resumed staring at the sea.

She took a step back in contemplation than another and even though she was looking at the sea, she did not notice it copying her actions.

Amaira stared at her sister and then back at the sea.

"What are you doing, you don't actually believe what I said, I mean look at all these people! You said it yourself," Amaira said petulantly swinging both her arms in a grand gesture to the space in front of them.

She didn't bother to look at Kayla as she kept grumbling about the chances, glaring into the crowd and consequently the receding sea.

Kayla grabbed Amaira's shoulder, "We need to call Mom."

Before Amaira could respond a blaring noise took hold of the vicinity.

"Damn it," Kayla gritted her teeth watching some people pack up and some people run.

"You always have to be right," Amaira shouted adding to the chaos.

"Come on!" Kayla shouted running as far as she could from the beach.

Her hand hastily reached into her pocket for her phone and rapidly tapped her pin into it but before she could get their mom's caller ID, Amaira's phone rang.

Amaira could feel the vibration in her back pocket and barely contained the sneer of frustration.

She reached for it but not before saying "Why does mom always do this!" and answering the phone.

"Mom, you need to come here quick or something because I think we're gonna die!"

She shouted and followed Kayla, through the numerous cars trying to find a place on the road to higher ground.

"Kayla, Mom's gonna call you, this is why you need to get your driver's license!" Amaira shouted again.

Kayla ignored her and continued running while looking down at her phone on occasion.

They both were trying to get to a crosswalk one where their mom could pick them up as they ran closer to civility or away from the parking lots.

They both stopped and caught their breaths.

"We're not even far enough," Amaira said between breaths.

Kayla answered the phone.

"Yes, we're on Callpie Street... Please, come soon," she added after a beat while catching her breath.

"Why don't we just hitch a ride from one of these driving maniacs, what are the procedures for this anyway!!!" Amaira yelled to herself.

"This is sudden," Kayla acknowledged Amaira's rhetorical question even while she herself was in distress as an attempt to calm her sister.

She looked around quickly taking in the people in similar states of distress and the cars passing by.

"Oh, Amaira," she gasped.

The following words stuck in her throat as she stared up into the now water-filled sky.

"This is really sudden!!!" Amaira shouted as she looked at the same monstrous ugly blue.

She suddenly felt Kayla hold onto her arm before it became a bruising grip and they were engulfed.

Click. The soft sound of a motor followed. Hum hmmah.

"~This system greets you~"


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