System: Headaches

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With the unnatural noise, the unoriginal greeting in an automatic voice, and the sensation of darkness, Amaira did not just have a clue.

"Why are you here?" Amaira's voice was stern but accusatory,

"~Oh, Host already knows about me?~" The automated voice took over all her sensations.

"I know enough," She couldn't leave the snarkiness if she wanted to.

A sudden glow took over the vicinity and with it, she could see what she resembled. She was a holographic, just an image rather than the individual cells she had been made of. Alongside her observations, a holographic screen floated in front of her. She read System 11.

Before the voice went on.

"~Lovely, this will make the mission easier~"

"I don't want any part in this," She refused.

"~There will be rewards~"

Before Amaira could refuse again, the system turned red.

"~And Consequences~"

Now that Amaira had eyebrows she couldn't help but glare.

"Like what," her voice was cautious.

"~ Don't you want your sister to pass on smoothly and reincarnate~"

Amaira's heart stuttered before she scoffed with sardonic amusement. She stared into the holographic icon with her whole attention.



"In fact, I wouldn't want her to live a life not knowing me."

"~What about your mother, think about her ~" The system added hastily.

Amiara thought about it and when she went to respond she was interrupted.

"~System 11 starting mission 1 ~"

The noise of a gnat-like vacuum took over. In an instinctive movement, Amaira covered her ears. It didn't stop anything.

"~Dowloading information...28%~"

She screamed, the pain in her intangible head unbearable. She blacked out again.

When Amaira woke up, she could taste the humiliation on her unused tongue. It felt like she had slept for days and her eyes were having trouble opening. She groggily rubbed her eyes. Now that she was getting a better understanding of her situation she could feel the soft fabric of weighty comforters lying on her and the luscious pillows her new body had been laying on supporting her back. They were pink and floral, in fact, most of the room was in this gaudy shade of pink. She palmed her face.

"Oh gawd," she groaned. Pulling her hand away from her face she noticed her brunette hair was in curly disarray as she accidently tangled her new hand in it.

"~ No god today, just system 11 ~"

She slumped into the pillows and groaned again when she heard the voice resonating in her head. She couldn't help but feel the rise of goosebumps on her back from what that android freak said. No god, just system 11.

"~was the download successful?~" The voice of the system showed no curiosity.

Amaira rolled her eyes and looked to her side despite nothing being there.

"I don't know, shouldn't you be in charge of stuff like this?" She didn't want an answer though, she just wanted to go back to bed. Amaira couldn't keep up with what just happened to her.

"~ Te~he~ I don't know either, it's my first time too~" Despite the words being innocent and guiltless out of context, they made Amaira want to puke from horror.

She slowly made her way off the bed with unexpected ease, her new body young just like she used to be. Closer to the base of the bed and to the side was a convenient floor mirror. Walking like she belonged, she looked into it. Her hair was brunette with hints of gold coiling in between, her eyes a playful green. She looked fresh-faced and gave off an air of naivety. Amaira, the Amaira that felt like ten minutes ago Amaira, also had brown hair but it was never this enchanting and voluminous. She had this impression of who she was in her mind. Snarky, stubborn, fierce, blunt. sunken Eyebags that emphasized her piercing glare that she couldn't help sometimes. Lanky limbs with hands she didn't know what to do with so she always had something colorful in them. Sometimes the things in her hands were "distracting" and she would get in trouble by- She huffed, rolling her eyes, and done with her introspective monologue.

Even her eye-rolls didn't deliver like they used to.

At least she had nicer teeth now. Looking around her room she couldn't help but add luxury to the list. Even though the room was in a shade of gaudy pink, kind of like a starburst or Patrick Star's skin. The room was also spacious.

" ~ 99% ~ " ding "~ download complete ~"

The sharp pain came suddenly. Her teeth gritted. The ice tooth-pick pain was too much for her to stand as she crouched on the hardwood floor before the mirror. Tears formed in the inner corner of her eyes. She grunted onto her knees trying to endure the headache.

"~Objective 1: become friends with the female protagonist~"

She literally couldn't care less what the thing said. The words not processing just the annoying noise that android-freak called its own voice. It continued on.

"~ if you want you can also get supplementary points from smaller missions that will help proceed with the main mission~"

The pain in her head abated and she took a breath.

"~so what will it be?~"

She reflexively looked into the mirror again but this time a glowing blue square was floating above her. It read.

Current objective: Become friends with the female protagonist,

- - - - progress, 10% - - - - - - - - - -

Side objectives:

- - - - - - to participate, interact with more characters - - - - - - - - - -

What did she do? She rubbed at her face, trying to get the permeating tears and slight sweat off.

"~Ah~ it looks like you're lucky, already at 10%, must be beginner's luck ~"

She couldn't tell for certain but it sounded like sarcasm.

"~ You can always check your memories for answers ~"

She timidly got up. Her hands gripped her tunic. The mental exhaustion drained her. Numbly she reached for the blue hologram and using her pointer finger slid the icons to the side. Her "downloads" gave her intuitive recognition of what to do. She shut the harmless voice off.

"~hey no~aw~" The system's voice slowed down into an amalgamation of mechanical sounds. It was horrifying for a second until there was only silence. She stepped backwards into the carpet leaning her back into the edge of the bed, taking a breath. Amaira begrudgingly accepted her situation. She was weak to pain.

Right now, all she felt she could do was cover her face with her hands and cry.


She was a coward.

She was alone. 

A/N- repost, uh. srry, no update. soon tho, promise!

System: The Confidant's SisterWhere stories live. Discover now