Self defense

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January 2nd 2013, Dear diary,

While writing so far it's just been nothing really just my overall thoughts on all of this. TLC sucks and I HATE It. While writing out of know were Firey Speaker Box just came out of nowhere and asked me if he can " borrow" my body for cake at stake.

I was confused, but before I can even say anything he chopped me up! But then out of no where were somthing just happened

Firey Speaked box said that he will bring me back to the TLC again. When I opened my eyes I was in some sort of void. I'm not sure what it was but it stated to talk like trying to make a deal. This thing or object is it even real tl begain with said it gave me the journal so I can do a important task. This weird voice said somthing like "I cAn GiVe yOu FuTrUe KnOwLeDgE iF yOu CaN eXcEpT mY dEaL!?!?"

I just accepted the deal the voice sounded like super annoying. Then I woke back up. Turns out I was passed out for a long time. And now I been getting terrible headaches and theses like different visions of objects I never seen before.


Pencil and match landing on the ground both of them groaning in pain. Both of them getting up and seeing everyone else already up. All of them looking at the two. Well except for Loser and Leafy who were whispering and Loser showing Leafy Dounts Diary.

Pencil jumping up. "WE FORGOT DAVID!!!!!" Pencil shouted. Liy rolled her eyes. "Took you long enough to notice." Crossing her arms and tapping her foot in place in annoyance. "Eh what did David do anyways?" Match getting up and shrugging.

"Er were are we?" Stapy looking around. The grass was dead green almost being dead. The dark oak trees almost looking like they are about to rot away due to old age and the sky being pitch black no light reflecting even there was no shadows to form.

" uh guys I'm not sure when Puffball SB will apper to do her monologue about were are we and all but this is the evil forset." Pencil speaking up due to everyone being in awkward silence waiting for Puffball SB to appear.

Leafy taking a couple of steps forwards "this place looks like some horror movie!" Leafy trying to start some conversation up. "Ice cube hates horror movies!" Bracelety saying in her normal hyper voice. Match face towards her. "How did you know?"

Bracelety still having in her hands The Archives book in her hands. "This book told me all about Ice cube!" Her big smile making it sound like she wanted to do a full presentation all about Ice Cube, Loser froze for a second looking at Leafy. "Uh Leafy I didn't know you had a twin?"

Leafy turning around same with everyone else seeing someone in the far distance with somone looking like Leafy but a bright red with big eyes. "Is that ev"

Pencil was cut off by Liy. "RUN!"

Everyone didn't even hesitated in the slightest. Everyone running for dear life. "We need to split up!" Liy shouting. "Um if we do it will mostly like get us kill even more and I'm not going to be even more dead!" Match shouting. "Well we have no choice!" Liy shouting both splitting into different two different groups.

Liy,match,Bracelety, and loser going to the left. They notice that evil leafy wasn't following them so they stopped for a moment. "Ugh I want to rest!" Match dropping on the ground dramatically. "How are you so good at running Liy?" Loser ask Liy who didn't look tired at all from all the running. Liy looked at Loser with pure horror remembering her pass. "Oh you know always been fast." Liy making a up a exuse to not tell him about her dramatic killing pass like she mentioned in her elimination.

Out of the corner of her eye she notice something moving in the bush aggressively. All four of them seeing all huddling together and slowly moving back.

"Omg Ice cube is that you!?!" Bracelety jumping up out of nowhere. "Who ever is in there we are not afraid!" Loser said trying to sound confident but is really scared.

"Hey guys! :D" jumping out of the bush was a Profiely all happy like not having seen a object in a million years. Match punched Profiely in self defense making Profiely hit the ground. "OW!!!" They shouted. "What was that for!?!" Loser ask helping Profiley up. "Sorry my guit told me to do it." Loser rolled his eyes.

"Who even are you?" Liy asked. Profiley jumping up and shaking her hand.

"Nice to meet you Liy my name is Profiely one of the final six in BFB and" he cut of by match. "Wait did you say final six!?! Has it really been that long since I was eliminated!?!" Match shouting in confusion. "And you a constant!?!?" Loser adding on.

"Well I always have been and the audience favorite." Profiley pointing at themselves. " and they all think I was a 'hidden' contestent in BFB 26 which was so weird of them to think of that since I was always here to begin with!"

Everyone just looking at Profiley in awkward in silence. Profiley sighed to themself. "I guess they don't really remember me...." He muttered to their self but saying it enough to be heard. The only person they knew who actually remembered them was Announcer and Puffball SB because they were the only ones to actually respond to them. He really knew that he was not a real contestants only trying to fit in.

"I still have know idea" match said breaking the silence. "And how did you get here?" Liy raising a eyebrow up. "Well you see funny story actually I" profiley was cutted of everyone screaming. Turning around seeing Evil Leafy coming all of them running.

"Okay you see I can't really explain." Profiley being the fastest one and passing up everyone. "Um why!?!" Liy annoyed putting her arms up. "Well one thing I can say that I died can got sent here." Profiely said. "And one thing I can also say how did you died!?" Match yelling. She stated to doubt what said earlier about profiely was they always even there to begin with actually? She knew about them but never really thought about Profiely and there existence.

Profiley seeing that a tree and stated to climb. "What are you doing?"Liy stopping. "Um climbing up?" Profiley saying in a sarcastic remark, and kept on climbing. "You know my goal is trying to get out to and if climbing up a tree will save me and so I will join to." Liy stated to climb up and slowly making her self on the top same with profiley while everyone else start to climb too.

Both of them were at the very top. "Woah this is high" liy said the tree shaking a lot seeing it was the tallest tree in the forset. "So about the part you can't mention about how you got here?" Liy said. She notice Profiley shaking a little. "Look I'm going to make this simple." Their voice sounding so serious all of a sudden.

"I was with Tear Drop in The Power of Two/tpot and I sorta died and got sent to this void and woke up here." Liy in shock. "Sorta happen to me too." She added on saying it slowly.

"Well I guess we have similar stories to tell then." Both of them laughed a little.

"What's The Power of Two?" Match getting to the top. "Wait did you hear us!?!" Profiley sounding scared. "Oh I guess not only the TPOT part I guess."

"Wait BFB didn't finish for yall?" Profiely asked. "What are your from the future and got sent here to give us some future knowledge to warn us?" Liy jokingly said.

"I guess I am from the future..." they muttered to themself. Liy and match staring in disbelief. "Who won?" Match ask in excitement and Liy giving her the side eye. "That's really your question?!?" Liy looking at match.

"What's up!" Loser and Bracelety making their way to the top too. "Guys I don't think this tree can" match was cutted off the tree being so tall but very thin.

Hearing a snap making everyone scream falling to the ground.

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