The Truth of Lies

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All of them (except for Loser and Profily) looking at the Lake were the waterfall still going down. "I hate awkward silence." Leafy said. Liy relived. "Leafy thank you for break the awkward silence." Then getting up and turning around to see Loser sitting straight up,but curled into a ball with Donuts Diray laying out to dry.

Walking over to them to see what was inside. Loser wasn't looking at the Diray.Hiding his face from everyone. Profily was next to him talking to him quietly. She could very clearly tell that Loser is crying quietly to himself.

Liy knew this was her only chance to see what was in his diary. Dragging the book on the ground not picking it up trying to pull it towards her quickly and quietly without making a lot of noise.

Flipping through the first page and realizing some of the paper was sticking to her hand the pages still being wet from the water. The writing was neat like it always was .Even though the ink was still wet and messy but almost clear to read.

Liy looking at Loser and Profily to make sure he wasn't looking.

"August 31st, Dear Diary......."

August 31st, Dear Diray,

It has been years no one has notice like really. To everyone it feels like it's been a few days but actually a few years. In all honesty no one believes me. Ever since this future knowledge stuff. Aw man I need to find some new reading material I only have a couple of pages left. Anyways back to what I was saying, But mostly an important it said I will soon be combined with the factor of Four or somthing. Which is weird and who even is Four? Is it like an object or the physics number Four. Who ever is named 'Four' has a weird named.

Anyways I need to find a way out of this TLC/LOL so I will soon find my next adventure.


Liy finished reading which she has no idea what Donut meant by 'combined with the factor of Four'
Was this challenge from the last after she got eliminated or somthing else?

She looked at Loser who wasn't crying anymore staring at Liy. "Go ahead and read it." Loser turning away a little. "Loser I didn't mean look I-" handing it to Loser.

Liy of course knew she didn't read it on "accident" it was her only time to look at it. "Just take it at this point Liy." Loser giving her the diary back. "Uh Loser I thought you didn't want anyone else to see?" Profily asking Loser.

Now in her hands what she wanted for the longest time. It was almost glowing to her. (It wasn't) even though she couldn't barely read any of the pages she could sorta read it.

Looking up again to still see Loser still looking at her.
"Why did you kept this hidden away from me?" The question she knew that could answer her own answer to her mind. "I didn't know why Liy. Donut mentioned about you in later chapters. But the pages got ripped away in the water."

Liy turning the page to see there was supposed to be two more pages. "What did it say about me?" Looking at Loser. "I have no idea I couldn't read it in time." Loser sighed. "I'm sorry."

Liy turned around to see everyone else. Pencil still had tears in her eyes wiping away her tears. It was very clear that they knew what was in it.

Liy standing up to face the three of them both guilty. "How long have you been keeping this away from me!?!" Shouting at the three. "Ever since when we went to Yoyle City. When me,Pencil,and Loser went to that hotel." Leafy shaking a little probably being the most guilty.

"The three of us kept it a secret. We didn't not want to tell you or anyone else about." Leafy said.

Stapy clearing his throat. "Then Loser gave me a sneek peak inside the Diray." Pencil and Leafy looked at Loser. "Um Loser care for some explanation!" Pencil annoyed that Loser told somone else and wanted it just the three of them. "I wished i was got a chance to look too." Profily muttered to themselves no one was paying attention to them.

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