Part 1

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It was a late evening as Gura, Naiomi and Clementine returned from a "family" trip to the zoo, Watson being too busy with a case to come, an occurrence that's been happening increasingly more regularly . Gura was a bit surprised when she came down the driveway to see an unknown car parked outside. She got out of the car and walked inside and setting down her purse as Naiomi and Clementine went off to play outside. The shark said "Watson?"

She made her way upstairs, a faint noise coming into earshot as Gura neared the door to Amelia's office. She pushed the door and said "Ame-"

Gura saw Amelia and Ina, her two closest friends were stripped down and caught in the act, Ina and Watson both giving a deer and headlights look as guras hand covered her mouth, tears started to drip down her face as a whirlwind of emotions flowed through her. Anger, Sadness, confusion and shock.

After a few seconds Watson got up and walked to Gura, Ina covering herself as Watson said  "G-Gura its not wha-" Watson was cut off by Gura slapping her hard across the face, leaving a red mark as Gura said

"You! Get the hell out!" Gura yelled as Ina shamefully got her clothes on, quickly leaving the house. Leaving the detective and the Shark standing in the room as Gura started to break down into sobs

"Why?... Why Watson?..." Gura asked weakly as Watson started to explain. "L-Listen... I know this hurts now but-" "Get out..." Watson looked at Gura. "I-I... i did this for your own good..." she said quietly before putting her clothes on before leaving the house. Gura slowly collapsed onto the floor, curling up into a ball as her blue-silver ring was coated in tears.

Clementine and Naoimi would see Ina leave the house with her head down in shame, followed by a sobbing Watson. The two children waited until they left before they went inside, Clementine calling out.

"Mom? Why was Aunt Ina here? Why was Mom crying?" She asked as she went to go up the stairs.

Gura pulled herself together, she had too, for the kids... she stood up and wiped her face of her tears, still wanting to cry as she dried herself up and left the office, saying

"I-It's nothing... mom just had to go for a drive, something happened..." Gura said as she got down to her daughter's level giving her a hug. Clementine, the older of the two Watson girls could tell something was off, but she didn't know what yet. She just nodded, knowing her mama was sad, saying "yes mama..." Soon after the hug started the ever blissful Naiomi came and joined, not knowing why they were hugging but just knowing they were and she wanted to join...

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