Part 2

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Naiomi and Clementine were confused as Gura sat the two girls down after a day out. Gura took in a deep breath as she broke the silence in the room saying

"I have something important to tell you two... alright?" Gura asked as she wiped her face, preparing to break the news.

"Me and your mother... well... your mother doesn't... doesn't love me like she used to anymore and she decided to go and explore other people... well she decided she is going to stay with aunt Ina, and me and her aren't... aren't gonna be married anymore. Things are gonna change, but that's ok. You two just have to stay strong throughout all of this, and we both still love you" Gura tried to explain the best she could without making Watson sound bad, because as much as she felt betrayed by Watson she didn't want to bad mouth her and make the kids think about her like that.

Well the two kids didn't take the news very well, Naiomi bursting into tears and sobbing about what went wrong as the younger girl instinctively grabbed Clementine's arm, and Clementine was seemingly in a state of shock, not really able to process what had just been said. Gura got up and hugged the two, holding her own tears in as she said "don't worry, we still love you so, so much... and nothing will ever change that..."

Clementine was still like a deer in headlights, only snapping back to reality once Naiomi hugged her side. Clementine turned to face Naiomi and hugged her back as the two were both hugged by Gura. Clementine didn't really know what to do. Everything slowly came together in her head, the crying, ina... clementines teeth grit as she got angry, knowing what had happened and why her mother was so sad that night.

Later that night Watson returned to the house to get her things, being met with indifference from everyone but Naiomi who ran to the door, giving Watson a hug. She chuckled and said "Hey kiddo..." Amelia looked up to see Gura in the kitchen, washing dishes while ignoring Watsons arrival. She sighed and walked inside and upstairs. She started to gather her things, which Gura had neatly placed on the end of the bed. As she was packing up Amelia would see that the picture that Gura and Watson had taken during their wedding was smashed, the custom framed all busted.

Watson sighed and walked over, picking up the frame with a heavy sigh. There was a cough as Clementine stood in the doorway, saying "Stop snooping around and get your stuff" she said harshly as she looked at Watson, a look of surprise on Watson's face as she said "What?"

Clementine walked in, taking the pocket watch that Amelia had gifted her, throwing it to her feet "Get your stuff and leave, you made mom sad! you cheated on her with Aunt Ina!" she yelled at Watson, causing her to stand up, saying "Hey, listen. I know you're upset but you'l-" Clementine cut her off, not listening to the detective "No! Don't say I'll understand! You cheated on her, and now your leaving us too!" She yelled as Watson felt deeply cut by these harsh words from her young daughter who she never thought could say these kinda things

"Listen to me and let me explain myself, I didn't do this to hurt your mother. Me leaving is for the best, you have no clue what you're talking about. Now go to your room." she said sternly before Watson heard a deep "AHEM" from behind her. She turned to see Gura in the doorway, causing her to pull back, grabbing her things before shuffling out of the room.

Gura stared daggers at Watson until she was out of view, turning back to Clementine "Clementine G Watson! What was that? Why did you yell at her like that!?" Gura asked as she went mom mode, walking over, grabbing her arm.

"I was yelling at her! She's mean mom! She cheated on you! I-" Gura cut her off by saying "No, that isn't your place. This is a problem between me and her, she is your mother and you don't have the right to talk to her like that" Gura sighed and said "Go to your room, we'll discuss this later..." she let go as Clementine went to her room, her tail tucked between her legs.

Gura had a long sigh before she went down to see Watson packing the things into her car. A look of regret on her face. All of this hurt Gura, the emotion of Watson leaving having weighed her down since that day. Watson looked back as the two's eyes locked, and for a split second she thought Watson was contemplating her actions, the illusion crushed when she turned away from Gura, shutting the trunk of her car. Gura closed her eyes and breathed in as she walked inside and away from the door, taking a seat on the couch.

Watson walked inside once done and said "Gura... I'll..." She breathed in deep and said "I'll send the separation papers sometime this week..." Gura's heart ached and she said "Yeah... Yeah... alright..." she said as she held back tears as she looked up at Watson before Naiomi ran from the other room, hugging Watsons waist as she started to cry.

"P-Please don't leave mom!" She pleaded as she grabbed at Watsons coat, crying into it as Watson got down saying "Naiomi, please honey, I need to go." she said as she picked up Naiomi and hugged her as she cried into Watson, the Woman trying to sooth the child as Gura stood up.

"Here, give her to me" the shark said, taking the child from Watson, soothing her quietly as Naiomi fell asleep. After a minute Gura turned to Watson saying "We'll iron out the details later... see ya Watson..."

Watson nodded and walked out of the house, The shark letting out a sigh and took the sleeping child upstairs and to her room, laying her into the bed before tucking her in, giving her a kiss on the forehead. Gura left the room and walked from the kids room and into Watsons office, still furnished, not a single thing touched since that night she walked in on Ina and Amelia. She walked over to Watsons desk and she went through the drawers, finding nothing of note as she sighed, sitting down at her chair as she noticed something off about the desk.

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