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-"The moment of betrayal is the worst, the moment when you know beyond any doubt that you've been betrayed: that some other human being has wished you that much evil."


Jimin and Jungkook hastily exited the arcade after their heated argument with Taehyung, who had gone so far as to attempt to strike Jimin.

Jungkook, who had warned Jimin about Taehyung's peculiar behavior before, didn't see any reason to linger in that tense atmosphere.

So, they made their way out, leaving behind the chaos Taehyung had caused.

Inside the taxi on the way back to Jimin's house, an awkward silence hung in the air.

Jimin nervously fidgeted with his fingers, feeling responsible for the altercation.

He couldn't help but murmur an apology,

"Jungkook, I'm so sorry for all of this. I didn't mean for our date to turn into such a mess."

Jungkook, his thoughts still consumed by how to handle Taehyung's erratic behavior, softly interjected,

"Jimin, it isn't your fault. None of this is on you."

Jimin appreciated Jungkook's reassurance, but his guilt lingered as they continued their journey home.

As the taxi carried them through the city, Jimin's mind was a whirlwind of emotions, from regret to concern for their strained friendship.

Jungkook, meanwhile, was determined to address Taehyung's actions and ensure that such incidents wouldn't happen again.

The tension in the taxi remained unspoken as they navigated the complex aftermath of their encounter with Taehyung.


Jimin and Jungkook arrived home, their earlier argument with Taehyung still fresh in their minds.

As Jimin opened the front door, he had no idea what awaited him.

To his surprise, the living room was adorned with fairy lights that cast a soft, romantic glow, and the dining table was beautifully set with candles and elegant dishes.

Jimin's eyes widened in astonishment.

"Jungkook, what's all this?"

Jungkook, standing nearby with a proud smile, replied,

"Jimin, I know we had a rough time at the arcade, so I wanted to make it up to you. While you were in the bathroom, I called someone to help set up this surprise dinner."

Jimin was touched by Jungkook's thoughtfulness.

"You didn't have to do all this, jungkook."

As they sat down at the beautifully arranged table, they enjoyed an intimate dinner, the tension from their argument with Taehyung gradually fading away.

However, Jimin's phone suddenly rang, shattering the tranquility.

Jimin picked it up, surprised to see Taehyung's name on the caller ID.

"Hello?" Jimin answered cautiously.

Taehyung's voice was agitated and erratic.

"Jimin, I'm really sorry about what happened earlier. Jungkook, he's exaggerating, you know?"

Jimin tried to remain calm but was taken aback by Taehyung's sudden change in tone.

"I told you to stay away from jimin didn't i"

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