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"I would like one cup of chocolate with a pair of pancakes. Please be generous with the butter, pretty Liz," the ten year old Kyle winked at me, flashing his sweetest smile while handing me three pieces of hand-picked flowers he was hiding behind his back.

"These are nice flowers Kyle. Did you pick them yourself?" He nodded.

"Thank you, dear," I gave him a peck on his cheek instantly causing him to blush.

"He adores you Lizzie. Last night, he was telling me he can't wait to grow up and ask you to marry him," his mom, Mrs. Keira Bentley, chuckled while disheveling his son's hair, much to the irritation of the latter.

"Mom, you're embarassing me," Kyle complained.

I laughed at the cuteness of this young man.

"You better keep a close eye on this one Mrs. Keira. He's quite a charmer." I turned to face Kyle, "as for you young man, you better keep your grades up if you want to court me in the future okay? I only date bright guys," I winked at him which made him blush some more.

Before I turned around, I caught a glimpse of Kyle's eyes growing wider as he realized I had given him a slight hope for courting me in the future. I could still hear Mrs. Bentley's laughter as I entered the kitchen.

'This is the life I dream of. Simple as it is just like the way my dad likes it. Freedom from bullying and being around people who loves me just as I am,' I couldnt help but grin. I added a piece of chocolate chip cookie on Kyle's plate knowing how he loves them cookies so much. Just as I was heading towards their table, someone gently grabbed my arm.

"Hi." My heartbeat became erratic as I recognized his voice. I slowly turned to confirm my suspicion while trying to hide the blush which I felt was forming on my face.

"We went to the same school right? I can't put my finger on it but I'm sure I've seen you before, " Francois said. He let go of my arm but not my gaze.

I felt light-headed just looking at his plump lips which was now formed into a sincere smile. His eyes were hazel brown, the same color as his disheveled hair complementing his clear, fair complexion. His nose perfectly raised with its slightly cleft tip. He is taller than me by a couple of inches. I am five feet nine inches and I would guess him to be about six feet two or three inches. He has this look which seemed to be like a cross between 'boy-next-door' and 'bad-ass type'.

'Oh my, he's even more good looking up close,' I felt my face heat up even more.

He smirked causing me to awaken from my tranced state. Obviously, he knew I was checking him out.

'Get a grip Lissey. Stop blushing or you'll end up looking like a ripe tomato,' I restrained myself.

"I'm Francois. I'm sorry I could swear I recognize you but my memory seems to be lazy this time as I can't remember your name. You are?" he offered one hand to me while the other rubbed the back of his head pretending to think.

I just stood there frozen. 'Ooohhh, he is so charming and funny too! Is this really happening to me? Francois is really noticing me! And he's asking my name! What to do? What to do?', the rambling in my head just wont stop. 'Damn Lissey just tell him your name! You need not think about it silly!'

"Ohhhh, Liii-sseeey!" I heard Mrs. Bentley called me, she was waving dramatically.

"You're future boyfriend is hungry and feeling jealous over here," she motioned to Kyle who was now pouting and glaring at Francois.

'That boy is really the cutest!' I thought.

Francois chuckled, "You better head on to your boyfriend's table now. He's throwing daggers at me with his eyes and if you don't hurry, I might die. I am way too young and too handsome to die", he pleaded looking so amused by the situation we're in.

I looked at him absent-mindedly, still unsure if he was really talking to me, nodded and headed towards Kyle's table.

"I guess I'll see you around Lissey. Nice name by the way," I could still feel his gaze on my back. I felt shivers travel on my spine and somehow, it felt good.

'This is going to be a very memorable summer after all,' I smiled as I gave Kyle his favorite cookie treat. I knew he had forgiven me when he winked at me again and started to savagely eat the cookie I gave him.



Wow! I'm feeling so excited for Lissey and Francois. And what about Kyle? Ain't he the cutest? I am so loving this chapter and I hope you do too. Please post your comments or vote for me if you like.




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