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(Lance's POV)

"So, we'll be seeing you at the resort in two days okay?" I heard Liz bid them farewell while I attempted a genuine smile.

'It wont be long now, bear with it,' I coached myself.

Liz wanted a beach wedding and I, being a good fiance agreed eagerly. I entrusted all the planning of our wedding to a friend since I am not really into these things.

It felt surreal. It seems like yesterday but felt like forever when we first met. I have been waiting for this to happen yet I am torn if I should let it.

"Something bothering you Lance?" Liz caught my attention by planting a kiss on my lips. I looked at her gingerly.  Stunning, absolutely stunning, it's the way I would describe her. Her good natured soul radiates outside making her even more attractive.  'that's why she doesn't deserve-' I stopped my thoughts as soon as I realized where its leading.

"Lance, honey?" she asked again with a look of concern across her face.

I shook my head and hugged her.

"Ready to go?"

"More than ever," her smile tempting my thoughts to wander again but I managed to focus.

'I have got to see this through, I owe this much to dad,' I muttered under breath. Liz must have heard me because she looked up at me with questioning eyes.

"I'm just overwhelmed with happiness," I remarked before engaging her in a deep and passionate kiss.


This is it. The night I officially choose my side in life.

The gazebo looked marvelous. White drapings intertwined with flowers hang from the ceiling. Chinese lanterns lit every corner. Then, the music from a violin filled the air.

There stood Liz, more magnificent than ever. If I hadnt known, I wouldn't have believed her to be the same girl I met in highschool. That helpless tomboy who had been the laughing stock of many, including me.  A weakling.

Flashbacks of the past came fast.


"Do you see them son?" dad was pointing at the skinny guy manning the cash register. He was talking to a girl about my age, probably her daughter.  Of all types of people to become, you should never, ever desire to be like one of them."

My brows furrowed, "why? What are they?"

Dad looked at me intently. "They are the worse kind of people to be. They are pathetic. They are contented. That man behind the counter used to be my friend. My best friend in fact. A bright man, he truly is or was depends on who you ask. Always beating me at every exam we took. Then, I introduced her to the girl I was interested with. Next thing I know, they got married. And all his potentials, went down the drain. We could've ruled the world together the way we planned, you know. But he backed out, said he was contented. He turned all self righteous on me. Contented my ass! He was weak! He said he was in love, and couldnt do anything that might hurt his family eventhough it meant a life of poverty. What a coward!  Such a waste!" he shook his head.

I listened intently urging him to go on.

"Son," he placed his hand on my shoulder, "one day, you will be asked to make  a decision. A crucial decision that will ensure your future but will require you to hurt other people, even those dear to you. Great oppurtunity comes once in a lifetime. We wouldn't be where we are now had I been a coward like him and listened to my heart. I know we are not bound by blood but I loved your mom as a sister and I love you as a son. Your step dad, on the other hand,  is one coward as well. Neglecting you and your mom. He didn't have the means to support both of you then, I started helping them. He accused us of having an affair and they fought which got your mom into a car accident. Before she died, she asked me to look after you.Your stepdad didnt even look for you or for your mom. It's as if he was glad youre both out of his life. He forgot all about you. I bet he didn't even tell your brother, a few months old then, of your existence. You were so little when I took you under my wings, about two years if I remember correctly. So innocent to be without a family.  You must learn from their mistakes. You ARE my son. And I believe that you will someday prove to me that I wasn't wrong to believe that."

"I am not like them," I told him, "I will never be like them. One day, I will be your legacy and you will be proud to call me your son.


"Nervous?" Alain nudged me from behind. "Shes so beautiful."

I looked back at Liz, who was halfway to where I stood. My heart was pounding. No matter how much I try to convince myself otherwise, I couldnt deny the fact that I had learned to love her. 'But my dad meant more to me. I need this to avenge his death,' I thought as I escorted her towards where the officiant stood.

"And now, please state your vows," the officiant said after clearing his throat. "Lady first."

Lissey turned to face me. "Hi. Uhm, Lance, it's no secret to you what I had gone through in life. I had loved, more than once and had been broken several times as well in more ways than usual. Through all this, one thing had kept me from surrendering. Its the hope that someday, I will find love. A love I truly deserves. A love built on truth and honesty. A love meant to last a lifetime. Thank you, for loving me the way you do. For making me see that there is hope. I promise to give you the same love you have given me-"

"NO!" I startled myself as I interrupted her. I tasted the tears which flowed seamlessly from my eyes.

The whole place went on a standstill. Liz was in a shock, no words coming out of her parted mouth. All eyes boring through my soul.

"I uh," I struggled to find the words, "I cant do it." I bowedy head in shame. "I am sorry Liz. I can explain-" but before I could, Steve punched me square on the face.

"You son of a  bitch! You said you love her!" Alain and the others struggled to stop him from beating me down to a pulp.

"Sir please let me explain," blood run through my busted lip.

"Nonsense!What kind of a lie are you planning to say after this?! I trusted you!" Another fist landed on my face which made me dizzy and lose my footing.

Clap! Clap! Clap!

"Well, isnt this a pretty sight! Two weakling trying to pretend to be strong. Such a shame, dont you think my friend?"

All eyes turned towards the entrance of the gazebo. There stood Francois with a gun pointed at someone beaten down and kneeling to the floor.

"Now, now," Francois thugged the kneeled man's shirt. "dont be rude and show them your face."

The man slowly lifted his head and Liz almost fainted as all of us exclaimed, "Kurt?"

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