25. Embracing Destiny: Love's Journey Unfolds🖤

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Author's POV,

After that heated argument they encounter with   Vernon, they decided to call it a night .. As they were now at the parking lot, JK received a call from there father telling him to go home with jeongyeon as soon as possible.

JK, with a sense of urgency in his voice, said to her, "We should go home together jeong.  Father is really upset and wants us there right now." He looked concerned, emphasizing the seriousness of the situation, urging Jeongyeon to accompany him home immediately.
JK, with a worried expression, added, "Are you okay to drive?" His concern was evident as he scanned her face, wanting to ensure she was in a suitable condition to handle the responsibility of driving, considering the tense situation they were in.
Jeongyeon, determined, assured JK, "I can manage, kookie  I'll drive.geezzz I'm sober don't worry..she chuckled.

On the other hand Jimin, firm yet gentle, insisted, "Princess, let me drive you home. I understand you're upset, but I want to make sure you get back safely." He could sense her stubbornness but remained steadfast in his offer to help, concerned for her well-being and wanting to diffuse the tension between them.
But she refused adamantly, as she snapped, "I said no, Park! Stop pushing me! Dammit. Just go with Seulgi, maybe she needs you coz i am not needing your help ever..Fuck you" She stated angrily .Her frustration boiled over, and she uttered a sharp curse at Jimin, expressing her anger and annoyance at his persistence.

Their friends, witnessing the exchange between Jimin and Jeongyeon, were simply awestruck by the way the two were practically annoying each other. They exchanged amused glances, finding the situation both intriguing and amusing, albeit a bit tense.

Jimin, feeling exasperated, finally spoke up, "Fine, . If you won't accept my help, I'll go with Seulgi now. I can't keep insisting if you're not willing to listen." He expressed his frustration and disappointment, making his decision clear and emphasizing his need to move on from the situation. In a moment of intense emotion, Jeongyeon's voice cracked with anger and hurt as she uttered the words, "I hate you, Park Jimin!"
Fueled by anger and frustration, Jeongyeon's hands trembled as she swiftly unlocked her car. Slamming the door shut, she gripped the steering wheel tightly, her foot pressing the gas pedal with an urgency that matched her racing thoughts. The engine roared to life, and she sped away, the tires screeching against the pavement, leaving behind a cloud of dust and an atmosphere charged with tension.

After a while JK bid his goodbye as he follows his sister ., placing a comforting hand on Jimin's shoulder,he  said gently, "She's just upset, chim. Give her some time to cool off. We'll sort this out don't worry." He tried to offer reassurance, understanding the complexity of the situation and wanting to support his friend through the emotional turmoil.. Jimin just nodded as he was so tired to think properly.

(At YOO 's Mansion)

Mr.Gregory Yoo and Don Lorenzo Park is talking about what  Romano Choi did in the party, hinting about the alliance between the clans tru marriage proposal.
"Luca, have you considered the alliance between the Choi  through Jeongyeon marrying Vernon?"
Don Lorenzo  narrowed his eyes as he  slightly awaited Mr. Yoo's response, a subtle tension hanging in the air, aware of the significance of this alliance in their mafia world.
"Rest assured, Don Lorenzo. I won't let my daughter marry into that family. I hold deep disdain for their clans.".He replied angrily, drinking his liquor in hand..Let's not forget, , it was them behind the accident that took my wife and Jeongyeon three years ago. Trusting them in any alliance is a dangerous game." Don Lorenzo's face hardened, realization dawning upon him as he remembered the past events. A moment of silence passed before he nodded, acknowledging the gravity of Luca's words and the shared vendetta against the Choi clans.
"I agree with you,. But we don't have enough evidence to directly point fingers at them.
Besides we already had a treaty. He replied.Maybe its just a mere accident Luca. He added.
Don, it can't be a simple car accident, my wife covered with bullets while protecting Jeongyeon.
Damnit.!!!. He furiously replied as he
violently tossed his glass on the floor, shattering it into a thousand pieces. The sound of breaking glass echoed through the room, emphasizing the intensity of his emotions and the gravity of the situation.
I had no idea about this, Luca. This changes everything. We need to dig deeper and find out who's really behind it." He replied trying to console the latter.
I intentionally hid these details so I could investigate it thoroughly without our enemies knowing."
A sense of understanding crossed Don's face as he recognized Greg's strategic approach.Let it be, Don. I know you have a lot on your plate right now.". He added as he faced him. Don Lorenzo a father figure to Gregory Yoo had been his late father's best friend. Before his father's passing, he entrusted him with the responsibility to guide and protect him, shaping their relationship into a bond that went beyond mere friendship, reflecting a deep sense of mentorship and familial connection.
The bond between the Yoo and Park families was unbreakable, forged through generations of trust, loyalty, and shared experiences. Their connection went beyond the typical alliance in the mafia world, resembling more of a tightly-knit family where support, understanding, and unwavering commitment were the pillars of their relationship.
Amidst their serious conversation, Greg's right-hand confidant approached, sharing disturbing news about an altercation in a bar involving Jeongyeon, Jimin, and Vernon. Tension filled the room as they realized the incident could have significant repercussions, threatening the fragile balance between their clans.He immediately called his son Jk urging him to come home at once with Jeongyeon, sensing the urgency of the situation and the need to address the escalating tension within their mafia circle..

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