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february 6th, 2017 - king kylie

"kylieeee wake upppppp," kendall's high pitched baby voice honestly made me not want to wake up ever again.

my eyes slowly adjusted to the light, the yellow tint reminding me so much of the sun.. wait..
"kendall CLOSE MY CURTAINS!" i groaned, pulling my fluffy blanket completely over me. i swear, whenever i let her stay at my house i feel like we're kids all over again - it is kinda wholesome.

"come on kylie seriously, it's nearly 12 and we're shooting today, we've got so much shit to do," she blabbered on in annoyance and with that i gave her a thumbs up, forcing myself out of bed.

"hmmm what's the vibe today..." honestly, i shouldn't even been finding it so hard to find something to wear when i have clothes that could last years, but who cares. after contemplating for another ten straight minutes, i chose a simple adidas matching tracksuit with matching sneakers.
"causal but cute... okay girl!" i quietly hyped myself up in the mirror. honestly, after my break up with tyga i've been feeling really low, but hopefully this new chapter will change that.

after another hour of hair and makeup, i found myself in the kitchen, a mad looking kendall watching me. "what?.." i looked at her with a smile, but she didn't budge.

"when are you gonna quit this partying shit?" my older sister spat out suddenly, she looked so fed up. great. this again. i reached into the fridge for a glass of orange juice, im gonna need some pain killers if i need to listen to this whining.

"seriously kylie, i understand you're upset and it's okay to have fun sometimes but all these pills, and drugs and drinking, it's not healthy! you're seriously killing yourself!" her voice was slowly getting louder. cmon it's never that serious, i just rolled my eyes to myself.

"whatever, don't listen to me now but if this happens again kylie im telling mom."

"you wanna tell mom?" i chucked dryly at her, "then find your own fucking way to her house!" i gave her one last look before slamming my own door and walking to my newest car. i sighed deeply as i began to drive off, i know my sister cares about me, but i'm a big girl now, and i know when to stop. i'm just my best life?

my thoughts were interrupted by my phone suddenly buzzing, "Incoming FaceTime call from 'Rocky💕'"
I quickly clicked answer, before turning my attention back on to the road.

"wassup ma?" his voice was extremely croaky, so i assumed he'd just woken up. that was until i looked at his face to see how low his eyes hung.

"hi rakim."

"what i tell you bout calling me that shorty?" he complained. i just rolled my eyes, "i'll do what i want thank you!" i stuck my tongue out at him, to which he just laughed.

"anyways, i want you to roll me, i'm bringing a few friends over, bring ya people," he lit another blunt in his mouth and i simply nodded.

"mkay... what time?" slowly pulling into my moms large mansion gates i found my parking space, it's truly a dream being the favourite child.

"i'll pick you and your friends up at like 8, don't be fucking round either shawty, i know you like getting ready like time don't exist." he always goes on these long complaining sessions when he's high and it honestly just makes me laugh. "i wasn't planning on it rakim.. but, i gotta go i'm at my moms i gotta film and shit." he simply blew me a kiss which i returned and quickly pressed the red button.

before you assume anything, me and rocky are simply good friends, to be honest i'm only excited to go round his because i know he got a few fine friends for me. 😜😜

walking up towards my moms home, i posted a few pictures to the gram i begged my makeup artist to take for me earlier before finally entering the house. 6 hours of straight filming is never fun, but at least i'll get to hear the newest gossip and updates from kim..

 6 hours of straight filming is never fun, but at least i'll get to hear the newest gossip and updates from kim

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@𝗸𝘆𝗹𝗶𝗲𝗷𝗲𝗻𝗻𝗲𝗿 3 stripes

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@𝗮𝘀𝗮𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗰𝗸𝘆 Nah shawty it's four stripes
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@𝗸𝘆𝗹𝗶𝗲𝗷𝗲𝗻𝗻𝗲𝗿 @asaprocky ur sooo funnyyyyyy🙄
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@𝗸𝗵𝗹𝗼𝗲𝗸𝗮𝗿𝗱𝗮𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗮𝗻 My stunning sister 😍😍
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authors note: my new obsession.
i barely see carti fics so inma do my best +
is it just me who feels like carti
and king kylie would've been such a vibe?
anyways don't b ghost readers
hope u guys enjoy this !

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