There's no normal in His world

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Charlie was always weird like that, he said that where ever you looked there's probably a portal to a different world just behind view of the mortal eye. I never understood why he could see them but no one else could, not even me at that time anyway. I think this story I'm really trying to tell starts like this.
It a crisp autumn day just at the beginning of October and we were on the bus heading to start the 10th grade we both were 14 and i would be turning 15 in that December. Me and charlie were playing a game we made up where you say an animal and the other person had to think of as many words the went with that animal, the most words win. I always won because when charlie couldn't think of a word he'll just make one up. Which was against the rules so I would win. The bus stopped to pick up our friends A.j and Mathew before heading across town to the high school. A.j and Mathew were our closest friends both in and out of school. We met one summer day in when we were 8 at the park. I sat with charlie as he searched for earth worms in the mud. I remember him saying he never seen worms so small before and I never really understood why he said that at the time i just chalked it up to charlie being charlie. But some of the older kids there maybe 11 or 12 came up to us and started picking on charlie. I jumped up to start yelling and defend my friend, when out of no where came a boomerang and hit one of the 3 right between the eyes before swinging around back to its owner. Who just happened to be this kid the same age as me and charlie. He had chocolate like skin with black ringlitcurls falling down around his ears and long raggedy bangs that looked like he cut them himself that almost covered his eyes. His shirt was white with blue short sleeves followed by a pair of blue jeans. behind him was this little redhead with brown freckles covering his whole face.  He wore a red shirt that said "ask me about dinosaurs" in black with a picture of a pterodactyl with some dark blue jeans. "Leave them alone!" Shouted the kid with the boomerang "y-eah" squeaked the little redhead who was a little younger then us around 6 or 7. "Oh, and what are you going to do about it huh!" Cried the main bully as his buddy rubs his nose where the boomerang had hit him. The freckled kid smiled and turned around to the park benches where all the parents sit and screamed "Help! They're hurting me!" All the parents came running asking whats wrong and what happened. The bullies parents came over and dragged them away be the ear yelling about how much trouble they are in. "Hey thanks umm" charlie says pausing to think for a bit and right before the two kids go to say there name's he goes "Mathew and A.j" pointing at the boys going to the names.

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