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"When 2 Worlds Collide"
📍 Unknown
Jazmine Pov

I woke up in this weird ass room, I was chained to the wall by my legs and arms. When I started to look around there was a desk, a bathroom connected to the room, a nice bed and a dresser. Surprisingly for being kidnapped this isn't that bad, except being bound to the wall. "Morning princess." The one and only Kay Flock said coming into the room as I rolled my eyes. "Why am i here, why cant i go home and sleep this floor is uncomfortable as shit" I asked annoyed from being away from my family and being so uncomfortable. "Ur brothers....or should i say...Tata and Edot owe me some things so im keeping you, their pride and joy untill i get my shit." Kay said as I mugged him, I was lowkey scared but he ain't need to know all that shit. "What the hell could they possibly owe you thats so serious" I asked because if he said money or weed I'm smacking him, deadass. "They owe me 50k and 5 pounds of weed" He said as I sucked my teeth. "Okay i get the 50k but the weed? You can get weed for like 20 bucks." I said genuinely confused because...what type of weed is he smoking. "Man look ur getting me irritated" He said as he stormed out of the room and threw two other girls in the room. "Jenn?" I asked as she nodded and shushed me for some reason and started to whisper. "This is my sister Desree and we've been here for like a week somehow." Jenn said as i nodded as we all noticed purple gas coming through the vent

📍 The Reyes Household
2 days later

Jay Pov

It's been 2 days since Jazmine disappeared and everyone has been going crazy trying to figure out what he wants and get it so we can get Jazzy back. Notti has been leaving for hours unending and come back at the latest hours in the night high as hell. Dd has been locked up hin his room and hasn't came out since. Darrian has locked himself in Jazzy's room, probaly using all her stuff. The weirdest thing that has happened recently is that 41 had the same problem but with Jenn, Kyle Richh, yeah we may be from different gangs but I think we have the same situation going on. Jenn went missing yesterday too except at a party. I say we need them on our side just this once.... so i decided to dm them.


Yeah so Jenn and Jazmine are missing?

Yeah it's weird do you owe something too?

Not that i know of, Jenn and her sister are gone and its driving us crazy.

Same here, let's meet up at my house?

Yeah sure send me the lo.

Your location is shared with this contact.

Texts Ended

"YO!" Quan said waving his hand in my face. "Yo bro you were zoned tf out, you good?" Notti said as I nodded as the doorbell rang, I walked to the door and looked out the peephole and it was Kr and Ta. "Wassup Jay" Tata said coming in and sitting on the couch next to Kr. "Yo Jay we fuckin with opps now?" Jstar said getting closer to me. "Yo bro listen Jenn and her sister is missing and they also have some sorta debt to pay so sit ya ass down!" Edot said as he sat back down. "So both girls went missing the same night?" Ta asked as we all noddded.....Whats our debt because we need to pay it right now?" Dudleyo asked as we shrugged and looked at eachother. "That makes our job so muc-" I was saying but I was interrupted by a text.



Yo give me exactly what you owe or ur sister gets it right here.                                                                    

*1 attachment video*

Context of the video
"Please give Kay what he wants so i can cone home its scary here and he doesnt feed us, and i cant shower!" *Jaz starts crying while jenn and a Unknown teenage girl that seems to be Jenn's sister scoots in the frame* "help us please."

"Yo that was Jenn", Kr said as you can tell the hurt in his eyes. "Who was the other girl?" Keem asked "Thats Jenn's little sister Desree." Tata answered. "Nah Kay is wild for this shit" I said while running my hands down my face. "Fr....and what do WE owe him?" Notti asked as we all shrugged except for Edot and Tata. "He may have told me and Ta that i owed him 50k and 5 pounds of weed" Edot said looking down. "WHAT THE FUCK EDWARD AND ZAIRE" Me and Kr said yelling. "IM SORRY I DIDNT KNOW HE WAS GONNA ACT LIKE THIS" The 2 culprits said in sync turning away from us.

"You two get the 50k and the weed, me and Kr will go out rq" I said as me and Kr left and got into my car and started driving. "Yo why didn't they say anything, we could've helped them from the fucking start" Kr said as I shook my head. My sisters life is in grave danger because of him- not just him, them. When we reached the park, i saw the little kid on the swing and it reminded me of the time.............

Flashback 5 years ago:

"Justin take Jazzy to the park for a bit since ur gonna play basketball" Mami said as i sucked my teeth and looked at her. "But Mamiiii, Ill have to watch the midget-" I start but get interrupted by a hug to my leg, as i looked down i saw little Jazmine grabbing my leg making me watch her get off me and go and grab my basketball and give it to me. "Here big brother, lets gooo" The little girl drags as she takes my hand and starts to drag me out the house, when i look behind me i see Mami smiling at me as i chuckle and walk to the park with her. When we get there i start to talk to my friends about the basketball team we would be practicing for until Jazzy came and tugged on my basketball shorts. "Push me on the swing!!!!" Jazzy says as i brush her off, knowing she cant push herself on the swing or get on it by herself because of her little legs. Jazzy keeps pullling until i finally give in and put her on the swing and start to push her on the swing.

We sat on the bench together in silence for a few hours and then drove back home. We got back home where the 50k and the pounds of weed were on the table and everyone was in their rooms, me and Kr sighed knowing we went too far with the yelling and had to apologize. We went upstairs into my room to see Edot and Ta chilling, they tried to get up and leave but I stopped them. "Sit back down" Kr said as they sat down as we sat next to them. "Look im sorry for the yelling i did we were just stressed and seeing the girls in that state made it no better" I said apologized. They accepted our apology as we said to get in the car, and to get the stuff.

I had never seen someone so happy in my life.....

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