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"The Reuinon"
In the car📍
Notti Pov

We were all sitting in the car at around 10am preparing ourselves for what were were driving into. It was a 3 hour drive that was very quiet, everyone wss very zoned  out for the most part. I was trying to sleep through the long drive but i just couldnt because i was so nervous, what if Kay takes the girls and the stuff and kills them?, i was defentlly overthinking it but i was worried so i couldnt help it. I looked over to Ddot, who was fidgeting with a gun, fiddling with the safety. "Take that shit from him beforehe kill us instead of Kay" I heard Jay mumble to Edot as he nodded, I sat back so Eli could go by. "D gimme the gun..." Edot said scooting over me and closer to Ddot as he didn't respond he just held it closer to his chest as if it was a treasure. "D whats on the gun?" I asked him as he showed me, It was Jazzy's favorite purple and black gun that we got for her on her 13th birthday, she engraved her name in purple on each bullet, almost blew up the whole house with those damn bullets. "Let him keep the gun, its Jazzy's" I say taking out the bullets for safety purposes.

One Long Car Ride Later:

When we got there I put the bullets back into Jazzy's gun and gave it back to Ddot as we all put our skimasks on since it was daylight and nobody has time to go to jail. "Does everyone have a ski on?" Jstar asked as we all nodded and got out the car as waited for a few minutes since we were still a bit early. A few minutes later we saw 2 people bring out a tied up Jazzy, Jenn and Des. At that moment Kr and Ta walk up to the door. When did they get there? We have no clue. We walked up to the door just infront of the girls. "Where's my shit?" Kay asked as we put it in front of him and he checked it. "Take them and go, they were useful, watch who you play with next time, Notti and Tata." Cblu says as me and Ta nod.

Jay, Keem and Kr pick the girls up as they clung to them, Jazzy crying clinging to Jay. Jenn gripping onto Kr for dear life and Des asleep, and put them in the back seat of Kr's and our car as we start to drive back home. As we drive I start to close my eyes but force myself to stay awake until I hear Jazzy say, "go to sleep I'm okay now, thanks to you." As soon as she said that I was fast asleep.

Jazzy Pov

He tortured me- us, I mean us girls. He starved us, I am hungry, for the past hour I've been thinking about food and sleep. I look around to see almost everyone either sleep or half awake. They look like they haven't been getting sleep, especially Darrian. I climb in the seat with David, Ethan and Darrian and lay across their legs, an expression of comfort spreads across their faces as I watch them fall asleep. I slowly start to dose off too, I look at them and smile, dosing off.

Who's pov should I do next and gimme some chaper ideas♥ - Goddesss

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