Mette: The Beginning Of A Goddess

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Many decades ago, a magical being was born. Mette was born in Haiti as the first child born with magic into her soul. She was born with blue venom in her veins. It all started when a tribe found the first ever magical mushroom to carry a venom. This venom isn't safe for just anyone. It was too powerful and no one knew why. It's glowing blue patterns were gorgeous but only a chosen amount of people can eat them. It was said that the gods sent down these mushrooms to find the souls of the Crescent Realm. The Crescent Realm is a place where powerful souls go after they passed in their passed life. The realm is ran by moon gods and goddesses. The reason for the mushrooms is, so the gods and goddesses can locate their souls they are training. These souls get sent back on earth to protect and get rid of the lingering darkness. Mette was one of the children born as a Crescent soul. On her wrist, you will see two Crescent moons that glow every night. Many Crescent souls are all over earth.

It was the year 1930 in New Orleans and Mette was getting ready to head out for a party down the street. Everyone around her questioned her because of her energy and the moons on her wrist. Her energy felt God like and the moons glowed every night. Some suspected her to be a witch. Mette moved to New Orleans when she was 18. Being in America with a gift that no one even knows about. Mette was different. Mette heads out and walks down to the party in a pretty nature green dress and some Mary-Jane heels. As she's walking, one house gives her a push. Her wrist start turning purple. When a Crescent souls wrist turns a dark purple, darkness is near by. What's in that darkness is dangerous and if any human goes near it, they will never come back to their body. Mette couldn't allow that darkness to linger. As it was against the rules to leave darkness to spread. She had no choice but to ditch the party. It was such an icky feeling. She knew exactly what was there. There were 10 demons in that house. The house was abandoned for years. The person who lived there before must've been one of their victims
She thinks for a minute and looks at the house. That's when she walks into the back alley and she starts to form. She grows glowing wings and her eyes turn into glowing crescent moons. Her body turns into a inhumane color. Her skin turned blue and her hands filled with moon rocks as gloves. Her heart was a Crescent moon glowing out of her chest. She pulls out moon daggers. The most powerful daggers that with one touch from a human, death comes upon one.

  She flies into one of the windows and lands in what was to be the living room. You can hear the lost tortured souls crying to be saved. These weren't souls that deserved to be in hell. These were the past humans who've lived here and were forced into this painful realm of darkness. Some of them were curious wanderers that didn't make it out of this house. Mette looks around and all she can smell is sulfur. Sulfur is a scent you can smell as a sign of a demonic presence. Mette shakes her head. * Knock* Mette stops and laughs "It's the fact that you think you can fool me. As if I don't know how you play your games". The knocking stops and she looks at one of them. It's dark burnt skin with it's orange fire like eyes enough to pierce and burn you. It lunges at Mette from the ceiling. Mette dodges it's hit and stabbed it right it it's head. The entity disappears like dust. She collects the dust particles and puts in her capsule. She then gets down to the basement. All of the entities are waiting for her downstairs. Using a little girls spirit to lure her in their trap. Mette isn't stupid. She puts her knives away and turns on the moons on her palms. When she turns them on, her hands and arms turn into whips that are made out of rays of lights holding moon rocks together. She stands at the end of the the stairs and sits down. Crossing her legs while filing her nails." Y'all must be some sick weirdo's to think using a child is a good way to manipulate me. The rest of y'all are down here and I know exactly where y'all are. I'm a Crescent Soul and it seems y'all have forgotten that" Mette giggles. It grows silent. Hearing the crying souls made Mette more angry. Mette gets up and yanks one of the entities into a wall with her whip." Tell your little friends to come out" Mette raises her voice. The more angrier she got, the more whips came out of her body and grabbed them all. She started to erupt and before she knew it, they all exploded into dust....

Mette begins gasping for air and gathers all the demonic dust. She put it all in her light capsule and sends it up to the Crescent Realms." You did great child. Remember to never let your anger take over. Thank you for saving humanity" Moon Goddess Galatea smiles. Galatea holds Mette's hands disappears. Mette forms back to her human form and all the souls were waiting for her in the dining room. Looking at her smiling and with tears of joy. " You saved us. Now, we can go into the light" They cried in happiness. They come and hug Mette. Mette feels their presence and a tear falls down her face. She watches them all go into the light.

Mette has saved the souls that were tortured. She is a hero.

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