Black Viola

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Welcome to my life. My name is Black Viola and you probably think of Red Violet who is my sister. I'm nothing like her. We are the same blood and both were kicked out of the council for the same thing. The only thing is, I wasn't sexual like her. We both tried to murder the Chief of the council. What is the council you ask? The Jude Council. The Jude Council is full of bounty hunters. Our job as bounty hunters, we were supposed to kill who was doing things to harm others. Like for instance, if you were to cause a whole town to starve and steal all their will be dropped dead for murdering that whole town. You probably think it's not that big of deal but you should realize that you murdered young children, mother's of an unborn child, and innocent citizens in general. Let me get back on track. I got kicked out the council because I tried to "murder" Chief Jill. In reality, I should've. I found out the most sickening things she was doing. She was planning to get everyone sick. The thing she was going to use had the ability to kill in hours. I will not name that poison because of you're safety. I tried to expose her and I failed. I am now apart of Aura Corp. Assassin's and I am creating a plan to execute Chief Jill and expose her. Let me tell you about how it all began.

I was 13 and so was my sister. Me and Red are two siblings born on the same day. We have a triplet named White Viloria. She's still a bounty. She doesn't realize who is going to hurt her. When we were all 13 we were put in the highest rank of bounties in the council. Why is that? We were the most smartest and toughest. We trained day and night and became leads of many bounties that were our age. I have killed many viscous beings since 13. Now, Red and I are now assassin's. Bounties target Assassin's because of the fact that we kill good and bad. We also do bad ourselves. We pulled the biggest heist in the world that caused banks to close down for two straight years. I stopped caring and for some reason it felt really amazing to see bounties struggle to catch us. I wanted to see that bitch Chief Jill angry. I want those bounties to see their boss's true colors. Red is one crazy female assassin. Her seductive assassinations have amazed our leader. My Quiet and clever assassinations have amazed him too. Who is our leader? Meet Sir, Blume. This man took me and red in. He is the worlds most feared assassin. He too, plans to destroy the bounties. He's feared mainly because of how gruesome but smart he was when he attempted his assassinations. He executed the bounties first Chief, Vor. Vor was assassinated for exposing Blume's master plan. Once you spread secret info of an assassin, you will be executed. No one shall know a single thing. He walked up to us and reached out his hand. Took us in and promised to never waste our time. He seen how powerful we were and put us at the top of ranks. Lead assassins. Let's show my first mission by myself.

Monday, 11:30 P.M., December 25, Christmas
The Le Royal Monceau in Raffles, France was open for the holiday. Red had a mission in Las Vegas to assassinate this Bounty. I was here to assassinate a man named Charles Kirkland. This man has been stealing from many corporations and other life on this earth. He even took a sacred vase that belonged to this African Tribe and murdered the whole tribe. The bounties even tried to let him get away with it. Sickening how a man thinks it's ok to steal something that a tribe created. It's another situation where the white man invaded land that isn't theirs and stole, murdered, and tortured innocent beings. This man murdered children and took the jewels of their ancestors. I finally arrive to the hotel. I book my room and I start blueprinting my plan. I planned on meeting him for some drinks. Pretending to be attracted to him. What I had with me was my weapons of course and this chemical that causes you to lose your voice after 30 minutes. The stuff that's in it will cause you're vocal cords to stop functioning well. Before it kicked in, I went with him to his room. I pulled a Red Violet card. My sister is the seductress so I learned some things. Me and him spoke a little longer and I made my move. I pretended to go to the bathroom to " Freshen up for a good time". He get's excited and starts to get ready. Minutes later I walk out of the room. He is searching his whole room for water. Doesn't even notice me. He then freaking out goes to the balcony. Turn's around still not noticing me. He then stands in front of the bed searching in the chair/cubby for something to fix everything. That's when I quietly turn the lights off. He tries to reach for the light and I spray another chemical that makes you blind. I will not state what they are because they aren't for the world to see. He tries to scream but can't. Don't even feel bad for this man. He murdered many because he was greedy. He deserves to suffer what they did. They didn't deserve any of that treatment. I grab my daggers and end him on the bed. The feelings of amazement killing the murderer. Seeing that horrible being suffer the pain his victims did. I grab the vase and flee the scene. Don't worry, the Blume minions made sure my stuff is returned at Aura Corp. and we returned the vase where it is supposed to be.

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