Chapter 7

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Natsu pov

"Recently we have have about 30 reports of money being stolen from differnt accounts. Over all 10,000,000 jewels has been stolen and as you allready know that is putting us in a significant economic crisis and ruining our reputation."

"Don't worry will will retrieve the stolen jewels." Erza said and then left the room as quickly as she had come as we all chased after her.

"Erza do you even know how we can even find the money?" I asked sceptical.

I mean how are you even ment to find 10 million jewels because I'm willing to bet who ever did this wasn't stupid enough to just pile it on their living room floor.

"That's simple Natsu," Erza stated as if explaining it to a five year old "We just ask around town and if that doesn't work then I'm sure Lucy can find it."

"WAIT WHY ME." Lucy cried back, obviously she didn't want much of a part in Erza's "fullproof" plan.

"You dad was rich so surely he knew how to track down any stolen jewels."

Erza walked up to a bystander walking down the street and grabbed him by the scarf. "You there! Where have you hidden the money."

I smacked my palm against my head. How can she call me dumb when she just did that.

The man shaked and melted to a puddle under the intensity of her glare. Erza dropped him and moved on to someone else and once getting the same reaction continued with another person.

"Erza!" Lucy called "you can't just go around harassing people. And anyway why would they tell you if they stole it."

"I guess your right, so how do you intend to find it."

Lucy pondered that question for a while until she finally got it. "I KNOW! My dad was super paranoid so he attached secret tracking lacramas to all his money so I was thinking that we could set up a account with the bank and with the owners permission fill it with fake jewels. All we then have to do it attach the lacramas and spread a rumor that someone deposited a large sum of money into the bank. We just wait for some to be stolen and follow the lacrama to the other jewels!"

"Wow Lucy I didn't think your brain was big enough for all that!" Happy said signing his death warrant.

"WATCH IT CAT." Lucy sent Happy into the pavement with her famous LUCY KICK and I could have sworn he was dead.

Soon everything had been taken care off, now we just had to spread the word about the money.

We went to a local bar pact with people and sat down at a table nearest the centre of the room.

You can do this Natsu.

We started whispering loud enough to be heard by people near but not so much that it seemed suspicious.

People around us seemed to be paying more attention to our conversation and I saw them passing the message onto people nearby.

We sat there for a few hours keeping the illusion alive until we finally left the bar. Finally fresh air.

The next part of the plan was to got up to people asking if they had heard the news and then gossiping about what we were told. Everyone split up to a separate part of town exept me and happy and planned to meet back in an hour.

Natsu, are you ok?Where stories live. Discover now