Chapter 58: Dave

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Clay's POV 

When the Brit and I woke up at 7:12 am, the first thing we did was retrieve Dream and Nightmare from my car because we forgot to do it the night before. 

George sat both of them in his gaming chair when we got back in the house with a smile plastered on his face the whole time. After that we headed downstairs to make ourselves breakfast today, choosing a smoothie to keep it simple but healthy and nutritious.  

Using what was in Georges fridge and freezer, we put frozen blueberries,  frozen strawberries, a banana coconut milk and cherry's in it before blending it up and getting two on the go cups for the smoothies so we could enjoy them while in upstairs in Georges room. 

I poured the chunky dark purply magenta colored liquid into the two cups asking George to get out two straws, then giving one to George and the other to myself taking a sip from the straw satisfied with the cold liquids taste on my tongue. 

George and I both went back up to his room sitting on his bed talking while occasionally slurping at our smoothies for around 30 minutes till we both finished ours taking them back downstairs cleaning them off putting them in the washing machine then the next thing we did was try and figure out what we wanted to plan for the rest of the day.

We decided on playing Minecraft together next, George letting me use his Laptop him playing on his PC.

George showed me some of the cool things he had coded into Minecraft and after that we made a survival world for us two to attempt to beat the game in.

When we finished playing we had both gotten full iron and made a little base in a cave with extra supplies just in case we died in the nether or to a mob. George insisted on making it look like an actual home even though I said it wouldn't matter when we beat the game, but I let him do his own thing knowing it made him happy, helping him along the way to get the resources he'd need to make it look presentable.

*   *   * 

George's POV

"Vroom" Clay texted me as a sigh he was in my driveway waiting for me, as I was shoving my computer into my backpack, slinging it around my shoulder then grabbing a hoodie heading out the door. 

When I got in the car I slipped the hoodie on dropping my bag to the floor of the car letting out a sigh throwing my head back and closing my eyes as Clay backed out of my driveway. 

"Why the dramatic entrance Georgie?" Clay chuckled paying attention to the road in front of him as be begun driving to the school. 

"I don't want to go to school today, that's it." I sighed again looking out the window watching trees and cars fly by. "I've always hated Mondays."

"You'll get to see Karl, Nick, Darryl and Zak." Clay said trying to keep the situation positive which I've noticed he does a lot. "All of us need to get together sometime." Clay stated, coming up to a stop sign, slowing down looking both ways before continuing to go straight me nodding my head and agreed humming in response.

When we got to the school Clay and I met up with Karl and Nick before the first bell rung so we could talk about our weekend and catch up even though it seems like we do that quite often and when the bell rang we all parted ways making it our first hours.

When I got in my first hour class room I sat down at my seat sitting my pencil in the grove at the top of my desk before slouching down watching the door as students came in and found their way to their seats. One of those people being Dave. I watched as he entered the classroom with his cross body bag and walked over to his desk which was 2 seats ahead of mine. 

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