🚍wheels on the bus🚍

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[ it takes place before crybaby got the note from Ben so she doesn't know him this is for all chapters but suggestions lol]

-Crybaby pov-

I hear a voice in my dream say wake up. You're gonna be late. I wake up and throw my alarm clock across the room with my powers and then I begin to wonder about the dream

"Wait. What was my dream again?

I remember feeling trapped in rising heat, and there were plastic or cardboard cutouts all around me, and my gums' roots were pushing out my teeth, as my gums roots were pushing against eachother and my gap I already have got bigger and bigger, and the voice of a thousand angels said to me, it's temporary."

"Maybe that should be my mantra as I step into what will inevitably be the worst years of my life. Ah yes, off to a world in which girls are to only wear pink dresses and boys blue pants. Well, I dyed my uniform and embroidered flowers on the sleeves."

"Speaking of, I should probably change into my uniform right now. Nah, that shit's itchy. It can wait."

I grab my favorite cereal and say to myself

"I wish my mom wasn't passed out right now and could at least drive me to the bus stop."

I pour the cereal into a bowl and see my pet spider come out of the cereal box and it scared me a just little tiny bit

"Phillipe? What are you doing in there? Don't scare me like that!"

I watch as Phillipe crawls out of the bowl and onto the table

"What was that angel's name again? Was it Lilly or Layla? No, I think it was Lilith."

I eat my cereal, change into my uniform and then go to the bus stop and wait and after awhile the bus finally showed up and I get on the bus and see my best friend angelita and sit next to her I also have a little crush on her but I won't tell her

"I feel so sick"

Angelita: I can't believe we have to do this.

"Do you think we'll make any friends?"

Angelita: I hope so, but at least we have each other.

"That's true."

Angelita: *hugs her* you know your really pretty

I can feel myself blushing

"O-oh uh t-thanks"

Angelita: *smiles*

I feel a note in the form of a paper airplane hit my head

Angelita: *sees it*

"who threw that*

Angelita: I don't know *opens it and looks over to the person who threw it clearly angry* REAL MATURE!!!

"What does it say"

Angelita: *looks sad as she has crybaby see it*

I read the note saying gapped toothed bitch and immediately feel like crying as I hear people teasing me over in the back

Blue boy: hahaha

Mean boy: hahaha bitch

Kelly: *does a fake pouty face* awww does the bunny rabbit need some tissues hahaha

The whole bus exept for Me, Celeste, angelita, and two others girls I don't know yet but I want to know was teasing me and laughing repeatedly and the bus driver says nothing

Angelita: *places hand on her shoulder* hey ignore them their plastic assholes and they don't deserve you at all okay?

I keep crying only making the name calling worse

Angelita: it's okay I'm here sweetie and plus they are just jealous of how funny and nice and cute and amazing you are

I can't help but blush a little and then after awhile I sniffle and burry my head into her shoulder and start crying again

Angelita: *pats her head* it's going to be okay sweetie

The bus falls into the lake as me and angelita use our powers to lift it up into the clouds and then put the bus back onto the road as the others panicked about the bus after

I nuzzle my head into her shoulder more feeling tired from how early it is, all of the teasing stuff, and how much I cried

Angelita: go ahead and sleep I'll wake you up when we get there

"Okay night Elita"

Angelita: awww that makes me think of childhood because you haven't called me that sense first grade that's so cute

"Thanks Elita and night"

Angelita: night crybaby


I slowly fall asleep and after awhile the bus gets to the school

Angelita: crybaby honey time to wake up

I slowly wake up

"God I'm not ready for this school year"

Angelita: same...but hey at least we have all of our classes exept for one together so we'll get to help eachother alot

"True...love you Elita"

Angelita: love you too bestie

It hurt a little bit being called bestie but we are just friends nothing more even though I want to be she'll never be mine


Angelita: something wrong

"N-no I'm fine"

I could never tell her the only one who knows is Celeste

Angelita: you sure honey?


Angelita: *teasing friend tone* you sure~

"Okay now you're just teasing me"

Angelita: *smiles* you know.... Celeste says you like me

I think to myself THAT TRAITOR

"S-she what"

Angelita: i-is that u-um *blushes* is that true?

"I-I w-well u-um"

Angelita: because I like you but I don't want it to ruin our friendship or anything and I know you don't like me and Celeste was lying about it to make me feel better about it but I can't help it your just so....you know you and your cute

I feel myself turning red as I try to cover up my face


Angelita: *kisses* there now you believe it


Angelita: *laughs* awww let's go to class

*I feel myself turning red*


After that we went to class

[Hope you enjoyed it took awhile to make but it was fun to make next chapter will be out as soon as possible but also this chapter was exactly 1040 words long]

crygelita/crybaby x angelita one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now