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Crybaby's pov-

I wake up to my annoying alarm once again


Angelita: can't you just get rid of that thing already

"I would but I'm not allowed to my mom gave it to me"

Angelita: well your mom's not here now is she

"True but still"

Angelita: wait can't you just disable the alarm set on it

"Oh yeah"

Angelita: well I guess it does help us get up on time

"Yeah but the sound is annoying"

Angelita: exactly

"We might as well keep it though because it does help up get up"

Angelita: true I guess

"Let's get around and head to class"

I go into the restroom to change my clothes and brush my hair and when I was done I walked back into the room

Angelita: can you help me unbutton this one of them is stuck

"Yeah sure"

I tried to unbutton it but it wouldn't work

Angelita: can't get it can you

"Nope did you do something to it"

Angelita: not that I know of

"Then how else would it be this stuck"

Angelita: I don't know just keep trying we're going to be late for class

"Calm down it's just class"

Angelita: I know but I'm just stressed because IT WON'T FUCKING UNBUTTON

"Wow I've never seen you get mad before...cute"


"I'm trying"

After about 10 minutes I finally got it unbuttoned but as I was doing so I realized that she's very pretty like she's so pretty I don't know how and I think I have a crush on my...best friend


"I know right"

Angelita: ok I'm going to go change now

"Ok but be quick where already running late"

Angelita: okay

After about 8 minutes I started wondering why it's taking so long

"Hey why is it taking so long"


"Want me to help"

Angelita: i would but it's not up enough to cover...things

"We're both girls why does that matter"

Angelita: I'm a little self conscious

"Your so pretty though"

Angelita: your just saying that to make me feel better

"No I'm not"

I really wasn't I meant it when I said she's pretty she really is

Angelita: yes you are

"I'm not I really do think your pretty both on the inside and out"

Angelita: you think everyone is

"Yeah I do but I only say it to people I think are better than the others"

crygelita/crybaby x angelita one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now