💖I love you💖

70 5 2

-crybaby's pov-

I wake up too that annoying ass alarm clock once again


Angelita: morning sugar cube

"Morning cuddle bug"

Angelita: I hate that the alarm goes off even on the weekends


Angelita: *laughs slightly than kisses her*

"I love you"

Angelita: I love you too

"I love you more"

Angelita: not true

"How come"

Angelita: because I love you too infinity and beyond

"Okay fine you win"

Angelita: I always do

"I know snuggle bug"

Angelita: I want to cuddle

"You always do love"

Angelita: please 🥺

"I never said I wasn't going to"

Angelita: oh-

"Come here you cute weirdo"

Angelita: okay

We then started cuddling

"Your lucky you're cute"

Angelita: no but I am lucky that I met you


Angelita: I love you

"I love you too"

Angelita: so what should we do today aside from cuddling

"I don't know, wanna go to park and have ice cream"

Angelita: yeah sure love

We then went to the ice cream place I got strawberry and she got cookie dough I payed for it after about 6 minutes of angelita arguing that she wanted to pay

"Let's go to the park now"

Angelita: okay love

We then walked to the park which was right across the street

"There's a bench over there let's go sit down"

Angelita: okay

We sat down

"So how's your Ice cream"

Angelita: it's good

"Mine is too"

Angelita: want some?


I try some of hers

Angelita: what do you think

"It's pretty good"

Angelita: I know right

"Wanna try mine"

Angelita: sure *tries some*

"Do you like it"

Angelita: yeah but it's a little sweet

"Just like you"

Angelita: awww

"Ok but in all seriousness I actually like strawberry ice cream because of how sweet it is"

crygelita/crybaby x angelita one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now