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⚠️ Warning nsfw stuff⚠️]

-Crybaby pov-

I pinned her to the bed

Angelita: *blushes* wha-

"Maybe we could have some fun~"

Angelita: I-I-I..

"So what do you say~*

Angelita: *blushes more* I-I..u-um w-well...yeah sure

"Okay get undressed for me darling~"

Angelita: u-uh huh

we both got undressed


I looked her up and down


Angelita: t-thanks

"Of course"

Angelita: *looks her up and down like 8 times before realizing what's happening* damn...you look sexy~

"Thanks darling~"

"Of course love~"

"You ready~"

"Yeah I think so"

-No ones pov-

Crybaby:*slowly puts her finger into angelita*

Angelita: mmm~

Crybaby: *starts fingering her*

Angelita: *moans*

Crybaby: wow that sounds sexy~

Angelita: just shut up and fuck me~

Crybaby: okay cutie~ *goes faster and harder*

Angelita: *moans louder*

Crybaby: shhhh we don't want people to hear us now do we~

Angelita: no sorry I can help it it's so good~

Crybaby: okay well at least try babe~

Angelita: I will~

Crybaby: okay~ *goes even harder and faster*

Angelita: *moans* mmnnghhh~ fuck~

Crybaby: you okay~

Angelita: yes~ give me more please~

Crybaby: ok horny much~

Angelita: very much now just please give me more~

Crybaby: okay sweet pea~ *goes even harder and even faster*

Angelita: ohh~ mmm~ fuck~ crybaby oh my god yeees~

Crybaby: that's hot~

Angelita: what is

Crybaby: when you moan my name~

Angelita: oh so you like that~

Crybaby: yes I do my dear~

Angelita: more~

Crybaby: okay~ *goes hard AF and fast AF boiii*

Angelita: *moans* ohhh my god crybaby~

Crybaby: do ya want more~

Angelita: Oh my god yes please~

Crybaby: *fucks her so hard and fast it's scary* cutie~

Angelita:*moan loud AF* mmm~ I think I'm gonna~ *cums*

 Crybaby : *licks it off seductively* you taste good~

Angelita: thanks~ I'm kind tired can we cuddle for now and just forget about science

Crybaby: yeah of course we can I love cuddles

-they then cuddled until they slowly fell asleep-

[This is the end of this chapter it was 350 words long also next chapter coming soon]

crygelita/crybaby x angelita one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now