Chapter 13 (Effie): Move Forward

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"Ask me all your questions. That's going to be the only way we can move forward. Let's get everything out in the open," Rogue said to me after I told him I had questions.

I already thought everything we'd had between us was out in the open, only to find out I'd been seriously in the dark.

"Let's start with your brother and Winnie and your sister-in-law. Why didn't you ever tell me about them? Why play it off as you and the other club officers merely helped watch out for Angelica and Winnie? Why not tell me that Winnie was your niece and Angelica was married to your twin brother?"

"I didn't want you mixed up in that shit, Euphemia. I was dealing with it all day long, every day, and you were separate from it. I just wanted a break from it and to not have to talk about it, be asked about progress on the case, field questions about how Prez and Dag were doing. You were my oasis, lady. I loved what we had together and didn't want it spoiled by the case."

Was he kidding me?

"So, it was OK to just let me partially into your life? That's what you're telling me? I was like a fringe member on the sidelines who you wouldn't let all the way in? I could have supported you while you were dealing with some horrible, scary shit. But I didn't get that chance because you thought I'd be just another burdensome person nagging at you about the case so your decision to keep me out was justified?"

"I wasn't keeping you out so much as keeping you for myself. You were mine, Euphemia. Mine. You were the only thing I had that was good and there was no way I was pulling you into something seriously fucked up. I had enough bullshit to deal with and you gave me a break from that. So many times you kept me from losing my shit just by letting me hold you close and breathe in your goodness, your light. You helped me more than you'll ever know."

"Well, yeah, because you never told me what was going on. I could have helped you, Rogue, and you denied me that opportunity to be in a real relationship with you."

"It wasn't like that. We were in a real relationship--"

"How can you say that? I didn't know you had a twin! I didn't know Angelica was married to your brother! I didn't know Winnie was your niece. You kept me out, Rogue. No matter how you want to try to spin it, you didn't let me into your life."

"Once the damn trial was over, I was going to tell you everything."

"After the fact. After it was over. After I was kept in the dark for more than a year because you didn't want me to know anything about this situation because it was easier to not have to talk to me about it."

"I should have. I know that now. I should have told you, but God I hated the thought of you knowing about anything so shitty."

"And were you just going to shut me out of every major event in your life going forward so I could remain your oasis of purity whenever you were facing difficulties?"

"Euphemia, I needed you to be just for me."

"And what about what I needed? What about my need to be part of your life? Your partner?"

"I'm sorry, lady. I have always considered you my partner, but I promise you'll believe it, too, going forward. I'll be totally transparent with everything in my life. Just let me show you."

"Like I'd finally merit the coveted Property of Rogue patch on an ol' lady's cut?"

Rogue sighed and I braced for impact. "Had I made you my ol' lady, you would have been privy to the information about the trial. People would have talked about it freely around you, but as long as you weren't my ol' lady, they wouldn't talk about it in front of you."

The Body #3: Rogue and EuphemiaWhere stories live. Discover now