Chapter 18 (Rogue): Any Minute Now

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***TW for mentions of kidnapping, torture, trafficking and gun deaths***

I wanted to think and plan all the way to wherever these fuckers were taking us. If it was the MC's clubhouse, we had a chance. If it was their warehouse, we were fucked and things became a lot more difficult. At this point, I didn't expect to live past tonight, but I was going to do everything I could to get Euphemia out alive. I wanted to hope that the two men I had on the inside of the Unholy Sinners could help. I'd brokered a deal with them right after the Sinners had shot Euphemia. They hadn't agreed with their club kidnapping Winnie or with the shooting, and I'd set them up as an early warning system, to give me advance notice if the Sinners were going to move against us again.

"I hope you aren't counting on your friends, Rogue," the asshole in the front seat turned in his seat to look at me. He held up his phone to show me pictures of the two Sinners who'd been helping, one of whom was actually the Sergeant At Arms. Both were strung up and missing body parts, bleeding from knife wounds, bloody holes where their eyes should have been and a bullet hole in the middle of their foreheads. They had definitely suffered before dying.

Double fuck. I didn't say anything or give any reaction to him.

"The lawyer's got nothing to say? You had too fucking much to say when you were getting your brother and prez acquitted. Those motherfucking assholes fucking killed our prez and didn't pay."

There it was. The rage and retribution that was going to come into play tonight.

"I negotiated a deal after the shooting between the two MCs," I said. "We were done. No more retribution on either side. You're not going to honor it?"

"They killed our prez!"

"You actually thought my brother and president were going to let what you did to my niece go unanswered? She's a child with special needs and you locked her in a closet for two days, no food, no water, no light, no toilet. She was completely innocent in this war between the MCs and yet the Sinners went after a child. What parent isn't going to avenge that? What would you do if it were your little girl who was terrorized like that?"

"Shut up." But I could hear the uncertainty in his voice, and the moral ground he was standing on was crumbling a bit.

"You think about your baby girl enduring what my niece did. In the meantime, I'll make you a deal. You let her go," I pointed to Euphemia, "and she won't say shit and you can keep me."

"You're in no position to be making a deal, Rogue, and we're keeping both of you."

I raised my eyebrows at him, as if to say are you?, and my expression confused him. 

"Talk again and your girl gets cut," he snapped.

I shut up. And I hoped.

Thirty minutes later, we pulled up to their warehouse, and I noted two other trucks and about ten bikes parked outside. There weren't any trees close by, but I had no doubt that they had snipers hidden nearby.

The passenger seat Sinner pointed a gun at Effie after he took the key fob. "Don't get out until I open your door."

The Sinner next to me told me the same thing. Not a problem if the idiot wanted to leave me in the backseat unobserved for a few seconds.

"Effie, just keep quiet and do what they say for now. This asshole doesn't like women."

"OK." Her voice was steady, and she was in survival mode.

The Sinners opened our doors and stood back to let us out of the SUV. They walked us into the warehouse where it looked like two sides facing off, one side decidedly outnumbered. Bat, Prez, Dag and Gel were on the right and at least sixteen Sinners were spread out on the left. Effie and I joined the ranks of the outnumbered.

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