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I was sitting at the local cafe, just texting my best friend, Sadie. Sadie and I had been best friends since primary school, we also went to the same university. I was studying to become a doctor, and so was Sadie. We both wanted to study the same things and work together, we had that type of friendship. The one that's like, if you do it I'll do it. 

I switched off my phone as the worker had given me my coffee. "Thank you" I smiled as I took a photo then started to drink it. I then saw my phone automatically turn on, meaning I got a notification. 

Sadie: Did u answer this question? What page is it on? 

Alana: pg. 22

Sadie: ty ml x 

Alana hearted this message 

"Is anyone sitting here?" A guy pointed to the chair in front of me. "Uhh, nope." I smiled as I looked around at the now packed cafe. This guy was very good looking. Like really, really good looking. 

"What are you studying to be?" He nodded to the textbooks under my phone. "I'm studying to become a Doctor." I answered. "Oh, Nice. How's it going?" He asked. "Good, thanks." I said. He then got a phone call. "Oh shoot, I'd love to talk but this is important. Bye." He waved as he walked off. He then held the phone to his ear as I watched him about to leave he then walked back and then on my unlocked phone, went to notes and wrote a number. 

He then mouthed 'Text Me', I grinned as I nodded and looked at the number and put a thumbs up which I immediately regretted. 

I didn't even know his name, so I texted him straight away. 

Alana: Hey, it's the girl from the cafe. My names Alana, yours?
Josh: Hey Alana, I got your number because I thought you were really nice and stuff, my names Josh.
Alana: Glad you did because I wanted to get to know you as well 😊
Josh: 😉

A few weeks have passes since I've met Josh, and we've become pretty close. I found out that he lives in Brisbane. I then made my way into my house and parked in the driveway. I got out and unlocked the front door. I walked in and placed my stuff down. I walked into the living room and then saw my niece, Piper, run up to me.

I gasped and hugged her tightly. "Hi Piper!!" I picked her up. "Hi Lana!" She waved. I then saw Jules, (Lachie's wife) and my brother Lachie. I haven't seen them in ages. I hugged Jules and greeted her then made my way to my brother.

"Hey Lach" I hugged him. "Hi Lana" He greeted me. We all sat down on my couch. "You coming to my game?" Lachie asked. "Piper and I will be there as well" Jules grinned. "Alright, yeah I'll go." I replied.

"How's uni?" Jules looked at me. "Yeah, it's good thanks." I played with my fingers as I looked around. "Also, the games at 6pm in a few days." Lachie added. We spoke for a bit more until they all left to go to their hotel.


hey guys 

ik that this was a bit boring n stuff but I still hope u enjoyed. ALSO! i got a rlly rlly big fangirl phanse over dunks when i watched the grannies and now i lit know everything ab him... another one added to the list LMAO 

have a good one 

Josh Dunkley | quickyy2Where stories live. Discover now