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"What's wrong?" Josh asked from across the table. "My brother is right there." I hid my face and thankfully Josh didn't turn around, as Lachie was right behind him. "Do you wanna leave?" Josh asked. 

"No, it's fine." I sighed. "No really, It's fine, we can go somewhere else or I can take you back home. I don't mind." Josh suggested. I felt so bad. Why did he have to come to where Josh and I were? Everything was going great, of course, until Lachie coincidentally shows up exactly to where I'm having dinner. 

"We've finished eating anyways, so it's all good. I reckon you walk out first just so he doesn't suspect anything." Josh suggested. "You're the best. I'll meet you at your car." I thanked him then walked to the door to exit, just as I was about to walk out I nearly ran into someone. "Oh my god, sorry!" I looked at the familiar face. "It's all good! How are you?" Jules asked. "Good thanks, sorry I'm in a bit of a rush. I'll talk to you later." I left and made my way to Josh's car. 

Josh's POV

I really wish that Lachie hadn't shown up. I was having such a great time with Lana. I waited a few minutes before getting up and leaving. "Dunks?" I heard Lachie call. Looking in his direction, I saw his wife Jules with him. I went up to the pair and greeted them. "Who were you here with?" Lachie questioned. "Give the man some privacy." Jules widened her eyes. "Haha, all good. I was here with my... sister. My mind went blank there." I lied. "Oh nice, it was great seeing you. Take care." They waved as they made their way to their table. 

I made my way to Lana. "Did he see you?" She anxiously asked. "Yeah, told him I was with my sister." I unlocked the car and opened the door for her. "Why thank you," She laughed. I shut her door and made my way to the drivers side. I got in the car and started in the engine. "You have a sister?" She asked. 

"Yep. Her names Lara, she's the oldest, then there's me then my younger brother Kyle." I drove off. "Oh, no way! I thought you'd be like an only child." She shrugged. "Why's that?" I chuckled. "Just assumed." She grinned. That smile

"Honestly, you'd get long with my sister really well." I told Alana, I mean they actually would. "Well, I'd love to meet her." Alana looked out the window beside her. 

As we continued our journey, Lana and I delved into more lighthearted conversations, discussing shared interests, favourite movies, and even some childhood stories. The initial hiccup caused by Lachie's unexpected appearance now seemed like a distant memory. 

Eventually, we arrived at Lana's place. I parked the car and walked her to the door. "Despite the little detour, I had a great time tonight," I admitted. 

"Me too," Lana replied, her eyes reflecting a mix of gratitude and warmth. "Thanks for handling the situation with Lachie so well." 

"I've got your back," I assured her, giving her a reassuring smile. "And, anytime you want to meet Lara, just let me know. I'm sure you two will hit it off." 

"I'll hold you to that," Lana teased, playfully nudging my arm. "Goodnight, Josh." 

"Goodnight, Lana," I said, watching her enter her home before making my way back to the car. As I drove home, I couldn't help but appreciate the unpredictability of life's moments. The unexpected encounter had turned into an opportunity to show support, and I was looking forward to whatever the future might hold for Lana, me, and even the possibility of Lara joining the mix. 

hey guys 
hope u enjoyed 

have a good one 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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