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alananeale: been a while!! 

julesneale: Stunning, as always 🔥

lachieneale: 👌

sadiewills: 😍😍😍 

user138: whose this?? 

user278: Omg shes stunning! 

... [see more] 


I was currently at dinner with Sadie. "His cute, I ship you guys." Sadie pointed at the waiter. "Don't point!" I playfully slapped her finger as I looked at the waiter. "His ugly, besides, I'm in no rush to find a boyfriend." I lied. 

"That's a lie, it's only because Lachie's going to go mad. I mean, if your parents are ok with it..." Sadie raised her eyebrows. "Stop! Sadie I hate when you put these things in my head. I'm not interested, and that's final." I demanded. "Ok, ok. Sorry. How's things with Josh?" Sadie wiggled her eyebrows. "Good I guess" I shrugged. "What's he look like?" She asked. "Amazing" I joked. I showed her a picture. 

"He looks... familiar." She scanned his features. "Really?" I squinted my eyes as I looked at him. "Tomorrow I got Lachie's game — Jules and Piper are going. Wanna come with?" I offered. "I wish, but I still haven't done the project" Sadie sighed. 

"Of course you haven't." I scoffed playfully. "It's so hard! How have you already finished?" Sadie huffed. "C'mon Saides, it's not that hard. Just put your mind to it." I smiled at the girl in front of me. "Thanks, Lana," She paused. "But, just a random question, what're you doing when you finish uni?" She continued. "Well, I'll move back to Brisbane." I cleared my throat. "I'd like to work at the hospital." I grinned. I'd always wanted to become a doctor, especially to work at the hospital. I don't know why, it's just always been a dream of mine, and Sadie's. 

"Your still up for our whole 'working together' shit!?" Sadie squealed excitingly. "Of course." I laughed. We then spoke about anything that came to our minds until it was time for the both of us to head back home. 

Once I arrived home I immediately undressed myself and went straight to the shower. I got changed into my pyjamas then slid into my comfy bed. 


Liked by julesneale and 4,982 others 

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Liked by julesneale and 4,982 others 

sadiewills: my photographer @alananeale ❤️ 

julesneale: Gorgeous 😘 

alananeale: my model 😽 

kenziewills: past curfew 👍 
... sadiewills: unlike u, my little 16 year old sister, i dont have curfew 😘 

... [see more


hey guys 

Not sure how to finish this n stuff 

have a good one 

Josh Dunkley | quickyy2Where stories live. Discover now