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I was at the game and Brisbane had just won, so we made our way down into the locker rooms. "Alana?" I heard a voice I recognised. I turned around and looked at the familiar face that I now recognised, "Josh?" I surprisingly answered.

"What're you doing here?" He side hugged me. "Wait — you play for Brisbane?" I stood still, shocked. "Yeah — sorry, I didn't tell you. I thought you would just use me or something." He sighed as he looked at me.

"It's fine I get it" I awkwardly reply as I saw my brother suspiciously staring at Josh and I. I saw Jules sticking out her hand to stop him from coming over to us.

Josh looked to where I was looking, he then looked back at me. "His my brother." I blurted. "Your brother?!" Josh's eyes widened. We then just stood there looking at each other, things got a bit awkward. I then saw Lachie storm towards us. "Hey guys" he stepped in between us. I rolled my eyes as I looked away from Josh. "Lachie" I mumbled, as I stepped a little further from Lachie.

"Can you leave?" I crossed my arms as I looked at my brother. "Have you guys met properly?" Lachie clapped his hands, ignoring me. "If not, then we'll leave it that way." He nodded as he looked in between us. 

"Sorry about him" Jules sympathetically looked at us both before grabbing Lachie's bicep and saying a few words to him. 

"So," Josh looked at me. "Are we good?" He continued. "Why wouldn't we be?" I grinned as I looked at him, knowing what he meant. He then smiled before speaking, "Nothing. Just checking" He smirked as we spoke for a bit longer until Lachie came up to us. 

"Lans, we're leaving" Lachie didn't even look at Josh. I gave Lachie a look and he knew what it meant. "Bye dunks, see you at training mate." He shook Josh's hand and they said their goodbye's before we walked towards the car, which I assumed Piper and Jules were already in. 

"Why were you talking to him?" Lachie asked as we were walking. "Lach, just please back off I was just speaking to him." I rolled my eyes, mentally and physically as I strutted off towards the car. Why did he have to be like that? Ugh. 


hey guys 

didnt know how to end n like my lipa story, if its out, prolly will be but i started this ages ago lol omd i realised i still have a charlie curnow one ahah 

have a good one 

Josh Dunkley | quickyy2Where stories live. Discover now