Banana Brain

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Narrator's POV

Donnie is in his lab with April as he worked on his grand plan to ask (Y/N) to hang out with him. "What you up to, Donnie?" Leo asks, entering his lab with his two other brothers following him. Donnie was a bit surprised at Leo's presence but answered the question, "Just putting the finishing touches on my master plan," he casually responds.

"Master plan?" Raph asks, intrigued. "To get (Y/N) to hang out with him," April replies. "And you're okay with this?" Raph asks, cocking his non-existent eyebrows.

"Yeah, and between us, (Y/N) needs a boyfriend, and Donnie is probably the only man... erm... turtle I trust (Y/N) with," April says.

"Didn't you already have a date with (Y/N) at the junkyard?" Leo says.

"It was not a date, and I didn't ask her, she asked me," Donnie clarifies.

"I'm sure if you ask her straight, she'll say yes," Raph says.

"Yeah, you see, it's not that simple. I have to prepare for every possible response to maximize my chances of success," Donnie explains.

"Aw, that's so romantic!" Mikey coos.

Donnie then pulls up a conspiracy board. "Yeah, for instance, if (Y/N) says she can't because she has homework, then I will suggest an informal study session and serve healthy, brain-stimulating snacks," he says, pointing it out on the board.

"Well, what if she says she can't because you're a total nerd?" Raph asks sarcastically.

Donnie smiles, "Ah, that's this thread here. I will list my many non-nerdy qualities and suggest activities that will highlight my coolness, such as skateboarding or shark wrestling."

"Besides, I'm pretty sure (Y/N) is a nerd herself in some sense," April adds.

"Who's a nerd?" (Y/N) asks, entering the lab. Donnie yelps and flips the board over, hiding it.


"Hey, hey, (Y)... Hey, (Y/N)," Donnie greets me. I turn my attention to him. "Hey, have you seen this?" I ask, showing them a video on April's laptop.

"Why do you have my laptop?" April asks, raising an eyebrow.

"That's not important," I vaguely respond, playing the video. The news anchor on the screen starts reporting, "Renowned neurochemist Dr. Tyler Rockwell has been reported missing. I spoke with Rockwell's colleague, Dr. Victor Falco."

A scientist appears on the screen, visibly old with gray hair, which has a white streak, giving him a mad scientist look, although he looks very neat and clean. "I hadn't heard from him in days, so I stopped by his lab. The place was a mess, and he was gone. I fear the worst," Falco says.

"So?" Leo asks, not seeing the importance of the video. I pause it and look at him. "So, the Kraang have been kidnapping scientists from all over the city, including April's Dad! Maybe that's what happened to this Rockwell guy," I explain.

"Or they may not be connected at all," Leo reasons.

"Even so, something is better than nothing. I'm going, and no, April, you cannot come," I say before April can ask.

Donnie places his hands on my shoulder, making me flinch at the touch. "(Y/N)'s right. We should go check it out. What's that? You guys are busy? Guess it's just the two of us, (Y/N)," he quickly says, leading me out.

"I bet that wasn't on his flowchart," Leo chuckles once we leave. He looks at it and sees that it is. "Whoa. It is! That is spooky."


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