Line Crosser

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As April and I strolled down the street, the turtles were trailing behind us. April had convinced them to take a break from their usual brawls, so here we were: me in casual clothing, wearing a black and purple flame sweater with sweatpants, and April growing increasingly impatient with the turtles' slow pace.

"Can you guys pick up the pace a little?" she asked, clearly annoyed by their leisurely walk.

"Are you saying turtles are slow?" Donnie peeked out from a corner ahead of us, surprising April.

"That's a hurtful stereotype," Mikey chimed in with a playful grin. "Yeah, April, stop being so stereotypical."

I couldn't resist adding, "Trust us, April. We're better off keeping a low profile. People tend to treat us better when they don't know we exist." Leo glanced around cautiously, even though the streets were empty.

"Sorry, guys. I'm just excited to get you out of the sewer for a change," April apologized.

Raph, looking a bit puzzled, responded, "What are you talking about? We go out all the time."

I clarified, "She means you won't be punching people this time, Raphie." His shoulders slumped in disappointment, and he let out a small whine.

"Don't worry," April reassured him. "You're going to love this noodle place I found."

I interrupted, "Hey, I found it. Don't take all the credit."

Donnie, still uncertain, asked, "And you're sure we'll be welcome?"

I explained, "Yeah, Murakami-san won't mind because he's blind."

"Awesome!" Mikey exclaimed, but Raph quickly corrected him, "I mean, it'll be awesome for us, obviously."

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As we arrived at Murakami's noodle shop, a horrifying sight greeted us. Inside, the Purple Dragons were wreaking havoc, trashing the place.

"Oh, no," April gasped.

"Who are those creeps?" Donnie inquired, clearly concerned.

"They're the Purple Dragons, a bunch of dropouts with nothing better to do than cause trouble," I growled, retrieving my Kitsune mask and putting it on. The magic behind its appearance? I had no idea.

"So much for not hitting people tonight," Leo sighed, while Raph seemed rather excited about the prospect.

Mikey couldn't contain his enthusiasm, yelling, "Booyakasha!" The Purple Dragons were taken aback to see four mutant turtles entering the shop.

"All right, let him go. You don't want any trouble," Leo warned.

"We, on the other hand, do," Raph added, clearly ready to take on the intruders.

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