The Allaince

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After the bonefire has started. Everyone started to enjoy in the camp doing everything, They like dancing, eating, laughing and talking. James was talking with Enily when he heard a sound.

"James, you will know the truth soon."A mysterious voice said in James mind.

" did you guys heard any sound? I heard a sound just now."James asked

"Nope you must have heards something wrong." Emily said

James ignored the sound and countinued talking with Emily and soon it was time for dinner. Everybody ate dinner and went to sleep.


At midnight

James wake up due to thurst. And after drinking water he went out of his tent to walk.

While walking he heard a sound,"James come to me."

James was shocked by hearing the sound and thought,"What the hell was going on?"

But he went towards the area from where the sound has came and he reached a cave. Where he saw a glowing ring.

"What hell is this ring and why its glowing?" James thought

But anyways he enterd the cave and holded the ring.

Suddenly a girl appeared infront of James.

James got scared immeadietly and tried to run away.

"Please stop." The girl said

But james still tried to run but a gate rock fall on the gate.

"Please stop James. Let me explain myshelf." The mysterious girl said

James was still frightend but asked her to tell what she wanted to tell.

"My name is Lunar. I am an A.I. made by Allaince and you are seeing me as an hollogram. Allaince was a force that united the world and protected everyone. Allaince was made by an anoynomus person. But one day in a multiversal battle Alaince was destroyed by S.C.A. (Space criminal association.). The leader of Allaince was killed. The second in command of Allaince hide all the information of Allaince in this cave. And I was programed here to protect them. Several years passed by and you are the first person who heard the sound and came here. James from now on you are the owner of all the tecnologies of Allaince and please defat the S.C.A. for good." The A.I. named Lunar said

James was too shocked with the information and it took him a few minutes to process it and he tried to say no on taking the responsiblity and said,"I cannot take the responsiblity it will be too much for me. I am Just a student. "

"James you are the choosen. You can do it. I am not saying just go, right bow and defeat them, I am saying that train yourshelfbuild a team and defat them. The S.C.A.'s next target could be Earth for a fact and there is nothing to challang their athuority." Lunar said

James thought about his situation and about the entire multiverse and said, "Yes. I will take the responsiblity."

"Ok James. From no on you are the owner of all Allaince tech and the base at the bottom of this cave and you can train abilitys also." Lunar said

"And this is a watch that you need to wear everytime to stay connected with me and James there are nine more A.I.'s like me, I just protect their tech but they protect abilitys and superpowers and you also need to go to them to learn everything. " Lunar said

"James said, " I will go."

Lunar handed him a watch which James took. And then tied it in his hands.

"Ok James, I will now communicate with you through the watch. Goodbye. " Lunar said and she and the ring disappeared.

James walke towards his camp thinking all just happened but shurged it off and went to sleep and fall asleep.

To be countinued


Author's Note- Hope you like this chapter and the next chapter will be realsed soon and please comment ideas for the story.

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