The Training

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James was suddenly hit by the attack of one of the drones and he falled on thr ground.

Everyone rushed towards James.

"James, Are you okay?" Emily asked worried

"Stop." Lunar said and all the drones stopped attacking.

She then went towarda James and sprayed a spray on James.

And Withing a minute the injured area was healed.

James stand up.

"The pain has vansaished." James said

"Yep, it's an Allaince tecnology." Lunar said

The training countinued after that within a week, they are very good at opreating all the Allaince weapons and were very good at all fighting styles.


After one week of countinuos and mastering everything in the base.

"You have made such a great progress, No one could make such a great progress." Lunar said

"So, the time has come, Now you have to go to the other planets for obtaing superpowers." Lunar said

"The spaceship is ready. But before that you have to defat me in a fight James." Lunar said


The fight started.

Lunar first attacked James with Guns.

James defended himshelf with a shield and used a antigravity gun at Lunar.

Lunar dodged the attack and strted to fly and throwed a powerful Grenade at Him.

James used picked upo the Grenade and thows it at Lunar blasting it off on her face.

James then leaped and kicked her right on the stomach making her crash on the wall.

James then take out all his grenade and sticky bomb and thows it at her defating her in the process.

Lunar was then healed by machines in the base.


"James I think you are ready but I think you have to go home. So for now we will not go their. We will go their next week." Lunar said

"Okay. " Everyone said to Lunar

And they rode the spaceship and went back to their home.


After reaching home James did his study and the week goes normal.

The next week also quickly goes by and this is now friday evening.

James and all of his friends are ready to go at the base again.


"It is the time." A Mysterious voice said

And a planet is getting destroyed was seen by the window of the spaceship where he was, he started to laugh.

To be countinued


Author's Note- Hope you like this chapter and the next chapter will be realsed soon and please comment ideas for the story.

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