Chapter Two

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Chapter Two: A Much Awaited Reunion

  When June went down to breakfast the next morning, Ms Black sat on the other end of the table talking with Sirius, Remus and Tonks, her eyes caught June's and she sent a small smile in greeting. She ignored the men's eyes. James sat with Ginny chatting with the girl, but as she went to join them Ron stopped her to press a piece of parchment addressed to her in Harry's handwriting into her hands. Once she sat beside James she unfolded a parchment to read it.

      I've just been attacked by Dementors and I might be expelled from Hogwarts. I want to know what's going on and when I'm going to get out of here.

  "D'you get the same thing?" she questioned.

  "Sirius, Hermione and I all did," Ron answered.

  She narrowed her eyes at Sirius. "We can't say anything. Can we?"

  "I'm afraid not."

  June didn't stay for breakfast. Before anyone could stop her, her chair legs were scrapping against the stone and she was fleeing back upstairs.

  There, after sulking for about three hours, decided it was worthwhile to distract herself. Over the summer, June kept up with her readings of advanced potion making, intent on learning to brew dreamless sleep potion and draught of peace. She had since spent a great deal of her summer practising her brewing, following the textbooks she had bought from a secondhand store, and drafting up ingredient lists for Mrs Weasley to buy while she went out for groceries. After following the textbook exactly a few times, she noticed that they would turn out wrong. Emit the wrong coloured smoke, even just an off shade of the described look, or be the wrong coloured liquid. While she had started said brewing with the intent of using them upon herself since the school year prior had caused her great amounts of stress and anxiety that she couldn't seem to shake, she couldn't quite bring herself to, instead she would pour the concoction into a bottle, seal and label it before tossing the rest away (she was borrowing James, Ginny, Ron and Hermione's cauldrons so she wouldn't have to bug Fred and George every hour or so to vanquish the contents). As she strikes another match to start a new attempt at the potion of dreamless sleep, June wondered if it would be worth it to alter the textbook's instructions — try her hand at possibly perfecting them since she couldn't seem to get it quite right when she did follow instructions.

  Three whole days passed and June did not leave her room. Mrs Weasley redistributed the weight of chores amongst the six left. Little Jessie, James' sister, was the only one available to keep her company. While June ignored Sirius's, Remus's, and Mrs Weasley's attempts to rowel her, James and Ginny spent lunch with her. When the six teenagers were busy, Jessie talked June's ear off about her latest obsession (currently she was trying to talk her mother into getting her a broomstick) while she busied herself with books or drawing. She drafted over a dozen letters explaining everything to Harry but without her access to Hedwig, Pigwideon, or even Errol, they sat uselessly on her desk. She would watch Jessie giggle as she played with Lumos, smiling along.

  On the fourth night of her bedroom protest, James and Ginny entered her room. Jessie had been swept off to bed by Ms Black (the only adult allowed in her room) half an hour earlier. With them was a plate of sandwiches and news.

  "Tonks, Lupin and Mad-Eye left fifteen minutes ago," James told her as June slid onto the floor to sit with them. "There were loads of whispers before they left. Mum wanted to go with them but Mad-Eye said she couldn't."

  "Where'd they go?" she questioned, thankful for the sandwiches after skipping dinner.

  "We only caught whispers," Ginny explained. "Mum was shooing us upstairs but I caught something about Private Drive or some other."

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