Chapter Six

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Chapter Six: A Train Ride

  Her parents were woven into her dreams. June found herself in the Orignal Order of the Phoenix photograph, talking and laughing with her parents, Sirius, Remus, and the other Order members. When she awoke the next morning she felt like she hadn't slept a wink. Ginny was in her room, already dressed and talking to her while she picked up askew clothes and books.

  "... you left your door unlocked, Kreacher must've got in and rummaged through your trunk, better get dressed and look through your trunk to make sure you got everything ..."

  After she dressed and skimmed through her things cursing herself subconsciously for forgetting to bolt the door, Ginny had gone to collect her own things. June did a once over her bedroom to ensure she had collected everything before she lugged her trunk down the three flights of stairs. As she pulled her trunk over to Mrs Black's portrait a lot of commotion happened on the stairs. There was a pained groan as she turned to find Ginny underneath three trunks with Fred and George barreling down the stairs to check on her.

  "Holy shit! Ginny!"

  "Gin, we're so sorry –"

  "Are you alright?" asked George, pulling the trunks off of her.

  "Yeah, are you okay?" Fred parrotted, helping his brother.

  Mrs Black's curtains swung open and her screeches intermingled with the chaos.


  Mrs Weasley had taken the steps from the kitchen two at a time at the sound of the crash and once she had found the scene, she rushed over to fuss over Ginny. While she assessed her daughter, she looked over at the three around her.

  "What happened?" she demanded.

  "We didn't mean to –"

  "We just didn't want to lug them down the stairs –"


  Sirius rushed into the room, Remus not far behind him. While Sirius and Remus worked to shut the banshee up the hall was sent into absolute commotion. Mrs Black and Mrs Weasley were both screaming at the top of their lungs. June pulled Ginny to sit on the steps, ensuring for herself that she wasn't anything but sore after Mrs Weasley patched her up. Hermione appeared at the top of the stairs, concern evident in her features a struggling Crookshanks in her arms.

  "She's alright! Just sore now that Mrs Weasley's patched her up!" June assured, then added. "Have you seen Lumos?"

  Hermione shook her head before disappearing.



  Ginny finally convinced her that she was alright, getting to her feet to help her search for Lumos. She was worried that the little menace was hiding considering the chaos. June checked her watch and gave the other ginger a strained expression.

  "Merlin, we need to find him because we have to leave soon," she said, calling his name.

  "Yeah, if we don't leave soon we're definitely going to miss the train ..."

  "WILL YOU LOT GET DOWN HERE NOW, PLEASE!" Mrs Weasley bellowed from above just as they found him in the kitchen, underneath the antic dresser. After luring him out with leftover chicken, June captured him in her arms and bounded up out of the kitchen.

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